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Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Laws (810AA.5)
Selection rank | Delivery mode | Location | Duration |
On campus |
5.0 years | ||
Faculty | Discipline(s) | Available teaching periods | UAC code |
Faculty of Business, Government & Law | Canberra Business School Canberra Law School |
Fees | English language requirements | AQF level | |
View requirements | 7 |
English language requirements
There are non-standard English language requirements for this course. To be eligible you must have an academic IELTS or equivalent of 6.5, with no band score below 6.0. Students who have undertaken all of their education in an English speaking country (as defined on UC website) are deemed to have met our English language proficiency requirements.
Delivery mode
Blended: Mixture of online and on campus units are available.
On campus: Units are delivered on campus.
Online: All units are online.
Online Plus: Units are available online, except where attendance at a physical location is required for placement or professional accreditation.
All course material is developed and delivered via the location listed. Online units do not require on campus attendance.
Selection rank
The selection rank is the minimum ATAR plus adjustment factors required for admission to the program in the previous year. This is an indicative guide only as ranks change each year depending on demand.
Fees disclaimer
Annual fee rates
The fees shown are the annual fee rates for the course. The annual rate is the fee that applies to standard full-time enrolment, which is 24 credit points. The final fee charged is based on the proportion of 24 credit points in which a student enrols. Students enrolled in a Commonwealth Support Place (CSP) are required to make a contribution towards the cost of their education, which is set by the Commonwealth Government. Information on Commonwealth Supported Places, HECS-HELP and how fees are calculated can be found here.
Please note: Course fees are assessed annually and are subject to change.
AQF Level
University of Canberra qualifications are recognised under the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF).
- Level 5 - Diploma
- Level 6 - Associate Degree
- Level 7 - Bachelor Degree
- Level 8 - Bachelor Honours Degree OR Graduate Certificate OR Graduate Diploma
- Level 9 - Masters Degree
- Level 10 - Doctoral Degree
Academic entry requirements | Delivery mode | Location | Duration |
On campus |
5.0 years | ||
Faculty | Discipline(s) | Available teaching periods | CRICOS code |
Faculty of Business, Government & Law | Canberra Business School Canberra Law School |
054133G | |
Fees | English language requirements | AQF level | |
View requirements | 7 |
Fees disclaimer
Annual fee rates
The fees shown are the annual fee rates for the course. The annual rate is the fee that applies to standard full-time enrolment, which is 24 credit points. The final fee charged is based on the proportion of 24 credit points in which a student enrols. Information on how fees are calculated can be found here.
Please note: Course fees are assessed annually and are subject to change.
Delivery mode
Blended: Mixture of online and on campus units are available.
On campus: Units are delivered on campus.
Online: All units are online.
Online Plus: Units are available online, except where attendance at a physical location is required for placement or professional accreditation.
English language requirements
There are non-standard English language requirements for this course. To be eligible you must have an academic IELTS or equivalent of 6.5, with no band score below 6.0. Students who have undertaken all of their education in an English speaking country (as defined on UC website) are deemed to have met our English language proficiency requirements.
All course material is developed and delivered via the location listed. Online units do not require on campus attendance.
Academic entry requirements
To study at UC, you’ll need to meet our academic entry requirements and any admission requirements specific to your course. Please read your course admission requirements below. To find out whether you meet UC’s academic entry requirements, visit our academic entry requirements page.
AQF level
University of Canberra qualifications are recognised under the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF).
- Level 5 - Diploma
- Level 6 - Associate Degree
- Level 7 - Bachelor Degree
- Level 8 - Bachelor Honours Degree OR Graduate Certificate OR Graduate Diploma
- Level 9 - Masters Degree
- Level 10 - Doctoral Degree
Professional accreditation
For the Bachelor of Commerce, the University has professional accreditation:
Accounting - from CPA Australia and Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CAANZ);
Banking and Finance - from the Financial Services Institute of Australia; Financial Planning - from the Financial Planning Association of Australia (FPA).
LLB: This program is recognised by the Supreme Court of the Australian Capital Territory and the State of NSW. Through mutual recognition, UC's degree may serve as the basis for admission in all Australian jurisdictions. Through a program offered in conjunction with the College of Law, students may (in their final year of the Bachelor of Laws at UC) begin their Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice course that qualifies them for admission. Arrangements exist for students to articulate into programs leading to admission in the UK and the United States.
Attainment of the published ATAR or its equivalent.
Additional admission requirements
Refer to individual courses.
Assumed knowledge
Refer to individual courses.
Periods course is open for new admissions
This course is not open for new admissions.
Credit arrangements
There are currently no formal credit transfer arrangements for entry to this course. Any previous study or work experience will only be considered as part of the application process in accordance with current course rules and university policy.
Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Laws (810AA) | 120 credit points
- From 2018 students should take unit 8296 Introduction to Politics & Government instead of unit 6606. Students who are already required to take 8296 in their course may select an Open Elective instead.
- 1. Unit 8730 Problem Evaluation and Resolution was replaced by unit 5123 Business Statistics or 9522 Business Research Methods from 2016.
- 2. Students enrolled in the Bachelor of Commerce at Bruce campus not undertaking an Accounting, Banking & Finance or Financial Planning major can substitute 5123 with 9522 Business Research Methods
- From Semester 1 2018 unit 5617 Accounting for Managers is no longer offered. Students complete unit 11009 Business Decision Making instead.
- From Semester 1 2018 students not completing the major in Marketing, Marketing Management or Business Administration, may choose to complete an Open Elective unit in lieu of 6357 Intro to Marketing.
- Commerce students seeking accreditation by professional Accounting bodies or the Financial Planning Assoc must pass Intro to Economics & (Accounting for Managers or Business Decision Making).
- From 2019 the unit code for Systems Analysis & Modelling has changed to 11486.
- From 2019 the unit code for Information Security has changed to 11487.
- Students in Bachelor of Human Resource Management courses must select 6354 Managing Human Resources as their Restricted Choice unit.
- Honours: Eligible students will enrol in 9804 Law Honours (6cp) in place of two Law Electives in their last year.
- Students taking the Accounting major will need to do Introduction to Taxation Law in order to ensure membership of CPA Australia and The Institute of Chartered Accountants.
In addition to course requirements, in order to successfully complete your course you must meet the inherent requirements. Please refer to the inherent requirements statement applicable to your course
UC - Canberra, Bruce
Year 1
Semester 1
Semester 2
Year 2
Semester 1
Two Commerce Major Units
Year 3
Semester 1
Two Commerce Major Units
Law Elective OR Introduction to Taxation Law (7037)
Semester 2
MN0144 Restricted Choice Unit
MN0144 Restricted Choice Part B Unit
Two Commerce Major Units
Year 4
Semester 2
MJ0083 Restricted Choice Unit
7019 Advanced Legal Research and Writing OR 8358 Advanced Legal Research and Writing (Honours)
Year 5
Semester 1
Law Elective
Two Law Electives OR 9804 Law Honours (6cp)
Semester 2
Two Law Electives OR 9804 Law Honours (6cp)
Law Elective
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Semester 1
Two Commerce Major Units
Law Elective OR Introduction to Taxation Law (7037)
Semester 2
Two Commerce Major Units
Minor in Business & Government Foundation (ISA) Restricted Choice Unit
Year 4
Semester 2
MJ0083 Restricted Choice Unit
7019 Advanced Legal Research and Writing OR 8358 Advanced Legal Research and Writing (Honours)
Year 5
Semester 1
Law Elective
Two Law Electives OR 9804 Law Honours (6cp)
Semester 2
Two Law Electives OR 9804 Law Honours (6cp)
Law Elective
Course duration
Standard ten semesters full time or equivalent. Maximum twenty-four semesters.
Learning outcomes
Learning outcomes | Related graduate attributes |
Graduates of the Bachelor of Commerce will have acquired in-depth disciplinary knowledge and a cohesive set of cognitive, technical and generic skills in one or more of the following areas: Accounting, Banking & Financial Services, Business Administration, Economics, Financial Planning, Human Resource Management, Information Systems, International Business, Marketing Management, Public Sector Management, or Tourism Management. The program is designed to produce graduates with professional attributes appropriate to their intended careers. This degree also prepares students for postgraduate studies. |
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Graduates who complete the Bachelor of Commerce will obtain an in-depth knowledge of relevant disciplinary theory and practices, as well as the practical application of this in one or more of the discipline areas listed above. In addition, graduates will have a broad understanding of concepts which are fundamental to commerce, such as statistics, commercial law, information systems, management, plus the interrelationships between government and business. | --- |
Graduates will develop: - the cognitive skills required to critically analyze, evaluate and synthesize concepts and theories acquired in one or more of the following discipline areas, Accounting, Banking & Financial Services, Business Administration, Economics, Financial Planning, Human Resource Management, Information Systems, International Business, Marketing Management, Public Sector Management, or Tourism Management, - the technical and generic skills required to apply discipline-specific technologies in one or more of those discipline areas, - the independent learning skills needed to stay up-to-date with advances in theoretical frameworks and professional practices after graduation, - the personal skills required to provide professional advice in the discipline or disciplines they choose to study. Graduates will be able to exercise critical thinking and applied analytical skills in identifying which information is relevant to specific decisions being made. They will also be able to identify whether they have all relevant information when advising clients or management, and have the ability to succinctly request or obtain missing information. - the communication skills needed to present a clear, coherent and independent exposition of knowledge and ideas to a variety of stakeholders using technical and non-technical language, depending on the audience. |
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Graduates of the Bachelor of Commerce will be able to apply the knowledge and skills acquired to a diverse range of problems that early career professionals would be expected to deal with. As students progress through the course, they will develop the capacity to exercise their own initiative and professional judgement in an ethically responsible manner to analyse problems that are less clearly defined, more complex, and require application of concepts in a variety of disciplinary and sub-disciplinary contexts. Communication, applied research, teamwork, and negotiation skills will be developed through team based assignments, some of which deal with ambiguously defined problems. | --- |
Knowledge: 1. Graduates will have a broad and coherent theoretical and technical knowledge of the discipline of law, suitable for entering the legal profession or undertaking other careers involving legal work. The course will provide students with a program of study and learning to satisfy the academic requirements for admission to legal practice. 2. Students will also undertake an in depth study of selected areas of law, including the Priestly 11 units, and in chosen law electives, with an emphasis on commercial law and/or justice studies. 3. In addition to the above, students graduating with Honours will have developed the ability to independently identify and provide solutions to complex legal problems. |
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Skills 1. Communication The ability to present knowledge, ideas and opinions effectively and communicate within and across professional and cultural boundaries - Communicate, both orally and in writing, in ways that are effective, appropriate and persuasive for legal and non-legal audiences - Ability to communicate in plain English - Ability to engage with culturally diverse audiences - Appreciation and adaptability to the communication context, including genre and audience 2. Analysis and inquiry The ability to gather information, and to analyse and evaluate information and situations in a systematic, creative and insightful way - Develop intellectual and practice skills to identify, research, evaluate and synthesise relevant factual, legal and policy issues, drawing on a range of sources - Legal referencing skills and ethical academic practice - Engage in critical analysis and make a reasoned choice among alternatives 3. Problem Solving The ability to apply problem-solving processes in novel situations; to identify and analyse problems, then formulate and implement solutions - Identify and articulate legal issues in a text or scenario - Apply legal reasoning and research to generate appropriate responses to legal issues - Think creatively in approaching legal issues and solutions, including both adversarial and non-adversarial options 4. Working independently and with others The ability to plan their own work, be self-directed, and use interpersonal skills and attitudes to work collaboratively - Use interpersonal skills to collaborate effectively in teams - Learn and work independently, including directing aspects of learning and effective management of times and workload - Reflect on capabilities and performance and develop self-awareness - Make use of feedback to support personal and professional development 5. Professionalism The capacity and intention to use professional knowledge and skills ethically and responsibly, for the benefit of others and the environment - Appreciate the principles and values of justice and ethical practice in legal professional roles - Understand and be able to apply ethical approaches to decision-making - Recognise and reflect upon ethical issues likely to arise in professional contexts - Recognise and reflect upon the professional responsibilities of lawyers in promoting justice and in service to the community |
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Application of Knowledge and Skills: Graduates will have applied their knowledge and skills to analyse and solve legal problems, both in writing and orally (through presentations and mooting programs). They will have undertaken complex legal research tasks, made suggestions for law reform, and reflected upon ethical issues. Graduates who have completed with Honours will have developed a research proposal and written a thesis. |
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- Major in Law Foundation (MJ0082)
- Major in Legal Practice (Restricted) (MJ0083)
- Major in Accounting (Restricted) (MJ0001)
- Major in Economics (Restricted) (MJ0037)
- Major in Banking & Financial Services (Restricted) (MJ0012)
- Major in Tourism Management (MJ0123)
- Major in Information Systems (Restricted) (MJ0056)
- Major in Financial Planning (Restricted) (MJ0041)
- Major in Human Resource Management (Restricted) (MJ0052)
- Minor in Business Foundation (MN0145)
- Major in Public Sector Management (MJ0190)
- Minor in Business and Government Foundation (MN0144)
- Major in International Business (Restricted) (MJ0067)
- Major in Marketing Management (Restricted) (MJ0088)
- Major in Business Administration (MJ0135)
Award | Official abbreviation |
Bachelor of Laws | LLB |
Bachelor of Commerce | BCom |
The degree of Bachelor of Laws may be awarded with first or second class honours. Requirements are specified on the Bachelor of Laws, 794AA, site.
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Student category | Contact details |