Major in Human Resource Management (Restricted) (MJ0052.1)
Faculty | Discipline | Credit points |
Canberra Business School | 24 |
This major is for students interested in the management of people in paid employment.
Prerequisite and/or Corequisite: Students must complete 4207 Introduction to Management before enrolling in this Major.
Students wishing to enrol in unit 6385 Human Resource Economics must first complete unit 6355 Introduction to Economics.
Referenced courses
- Bachelor of Commerce / Bachelor of Advertising and Marketing Communication (100JA.2)
- Bachelor of Education/Bachelor of Commerce (112JA.1)
- Bachelor of Politics and International Relations/Bachelor of Commerce (147JA.2)
- Bachelor of Human Resource Management (185JA.1)
- Bachelor of Human Resource Management (185JA.2)
- Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Communication in Advertising (231JA.1)
- Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Communication in Journalism (232JA.1)
- Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Communication in Public Relations (233JA.1)
- Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Communication in Media and Public Affairs (234JA.1)
- Bachelor of Human Resource Management/Bachelor of Laws (240JA.1)
- Bachelor of Human Resource Management/Bachelor of Laws (240JA.2)
- Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Event and Tourism Management (281JA.1)
- Bachelor of Commerce (762AA.3)
- Bachelor of Commerce (762HG.1)
- Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Commerce (798AA.5)
- Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Laws (810AA.4)
- Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Laws (810AA.5)
- Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Tourism Management (811AA.4)
- Bachelor of Information Technology/Bachelor of Commerce (815AA.3)
- Bachelor of Information Technology/Bachelor of Commerce (815AA.4)
- Bachelor of Information Technology/Bachelor of Commerce (815AA.5)
- Bachelor of Arts in International Studies/Bachelor of Commerce (818AA.4)
- Bachelor of Arts in International Studies/Bachelor of Commerce (818AA.5)
- Bachelor of Applied Economics/Bachelor of Commerce (945AA.2)
Note: - Must note the following
- Students in Bachelor of Human Resource Management courses must select 6354 Managing Human Resources as their Restricted Choice unit.
Please Note: Units marked with an * are no longer active, however students who have completed these units may still count them towards completion of this major or minor.