We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of academic integrity. This means being ethical, honest and responsible in how we use, create and share information. Our dedication to academic integrity is a joint undertaking between UC staff and students.

Staff and students must be honest by doing their own work and by properly acknowledging anyone else's work or ideas that they use in their learning, teaching or research
Staff and students must be trustworthy by communicating clearly, openly and consistently about learning, teaching or research expectations and requirements
Staff and students must consistently apply and follow rules, policies and procedures when undertaking learning, teaching or research
Staff and students must be honest by doing their own work and by properly acknowledging anyone else's work or ideas that they use in their learning, teaching or research
Staff and students must be trustworthy by communicating clearly, openly and consistently about learning, teaching or research expectations and requirements
Staff and students must consistently apply and follow rules, policies and procedures when undertaking learning, teaching or research
Staff and students must be respectful of each other and appreciate others' unique contributions to learning, teaching or research
Staff and students must be actively responsible for practising and promoting academic integrity in their learning, teaching or research

Staff and students must be courageous by upholding UC's academic integrity principles, even in challenging circumstances
Staff and students must be respectful of each other and appreciate others' unique contributions to learning, teaching or research
Staff and students must be actively responsible for practising and promoting academic integrity in their learning, teaching or research

Staff and students must be courageous by upholding UC's academic integrity principles, even in challenging circumstances
Academic Integrity Policy
This policy confirms UC’s commitment to academic integrity. It applies to all UC staff and students.
Academic Integrity Procedure
This procedure supports our Academic Integrity Policy. It sets out how UC promotes a culture of academic integrity and what we do about integrity breaches.
University of Canberra (Student Conduct) Rules 2023
These rules detail our processes for dealing with student conduct matters, including academic integrity breaches.
Research Conduct and Governance Policy
This policy provides a governance, practices, standards and accountabilities framework for research and research training at UC.

- Academic and Research Integrity (staff portal – requires login)
- Academic Integrity Module for staff (requires login)
- Research Integrity Module for staff and HDR students (requires login)
- Research Services – Research Integrity
- TEQSA ‘Protecting academic integrity’
- Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research, 2018