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Disclosure log

The freedom of information (FOI) disclosure log contains documents disclosed to applicants under the FOI Act. Documents related to or containing personal information will not be published.

If you require any of the documents listed in the information released column, please contact the FOI Office and they can be emailed or posted to you.

Date of publication Access application Information requestedDecision Information releasedFees Time spent on application Review status
7 July 2021

For access to:

Records dated between 1 January 2019 until 14 May 2021 regarding sexual misconduct, which are:
  1. email briefings;
  2. reports made in the University’s incident reporting system;
  3. audits; and
  4. AV material including CCTV, video footage and photos,

held by:

  1. the Office of the Vice-Chancellor;
  2. the Office of the Dean of Students; and
  3. People and Diversity.
Decision Letter  (PDF, 127.5 KB)Full Release (PDF, 1459.42 KB) NA
5 hours
15 June 2021 210201 and 210200

For access to:

Records dated between 1 January 2019 until 14 May 2021 regarding sexual misconduct, which are:

  1. email briefings;
  2. reports made in the University’s incident reporting system;
  3. audits; and
  4. AV material including CCTV, video footage and photos,

held by:

  1. the Office of the Vice-Chancellor;
  2. the Office of the Dean of Students; and
  3. People and Diversity.

Records between 1 January 2019 until 14 May 2021, that are:

  1. email briefings;
  2. reports; and
  3. AV material including CCTV, video footage and photos,

held by the Office of the Vice-Chancellor, regarding:

  1. staff misconduct;
  2. staff bullying; and
  3. staff harassment.

Quarterly reports prepared by People and Diversity containing summaries of the status of investigations regarding the matters identified at 1(d), 1(e) and 1(f), between 1 January 2019 and 14 May 2021.

Decision Letter  (PDF, 865.71 KB) NA NA 10 hours
15 February 2022 220032 For access to the percentage rates of students who passed, failed and withdrew from Chemistry 1b (Course code: 1517.8) offered by the Faculty of Science and
Technology in 2020 and 2021.
Decision letter (PDF, 419.42 KB) NA NA 2 hours  
27 January 2022 220007

For access to:

  1. all original data from respondents to the University of Canberra’s Respect.Now.Always survey;
  2. a copy of the Respect. Now. Always. document referred to as Methodology individual reports; and
  3. a copy of the Respect. Now. Always. document referred to as University of Canberra data.
Decision letter (PDF, 234.72 KB)Full release (PDF, 886.39 KB) NA 4 hours  
9 December 2020 200483 For access to the following document the position descriptions for teaching staff (including staff acting) in the position of course convenor of the Master of Teaching (secondary), from January 2018 to date Decision letter (PDF, 275.9 KB)Partial release
(PDF, 176.55 KB)
21 May 2020

For access to:

  • The official description of the role of the Inclusion and Engagement Unit, specifically regarding registered students with a disability.
  • The official description of the various roles within the Inclusion and Engagement Unit and their responsibilities in regard to registered students with a disability.
  • Staff Code of Conduct and/or any related Policy that details specific expectations of staff conduct beyond that outlined in the Charter for teaching staff generally, for unit and course convenors.
  • Staff disciplinary policy.

Decision letter (PDF, 314.08 KB)

Partial release (PDF, 2145.1 KB) NA 8 hours  
21 January 2019 180657 For access to EFTSL and total enrolments data for overseas students from China and India for the years 2013 to 2017. Decision letter (PDF, 193.74 KB)Full release (PDF, 93.43 KB) NA Unknown  
11 December 2018 180589 For access to final briefing notes and documents prepared for 2017-18 Annual Reports hearings. Decision letter (PDF, 272.49 KB)Full release (PDF, 352.43 KB) NA Unknown  
27 November 2017 170561 For access to documents which contain the number of Canberra University students suspended or expelled over the past five years, and the reason/causes for each suspension or expulsion. Decision letter (PDF, 341.94 KB)Released document (PDF, 98.64 KB) Waived per 29(3)(c) of the FOI Act. Unknown  
27 February 2017 170041 For access to the following documents:
  • the advice that the University of Canberra received from Minister of Defence Payne (~late May 2016) with respect to the release of 1991 Master of Public Administration thesis, An analysis of critical aspects of forecasting and planning the administration and management of overseas survey operations
  • advice received from the author of the thesis regarding its release.
Decision letter (PDF, 152.78 KB) Refused NA Less than 10 hours  
7 September 2016 160438 For access to the following documents:
  • formal reports of sexual assaults made to the Office of the Dean of Students or the Director of HR
  • formal reports of indecent filming made to the Office of the Dean of Students or the Director of HR
  • formal reports of plagiarism made to the Student Misconduct Officer.
Decision letter (PDF, 434.68 KB)  Paid - $459.50 Unknown  
15 February 2016 160029 For access to the following document:
  • Thesis – Master of Public Administration 1991
  • Title – the analysis of critical aspects of forecasting and planning the administration and management of overseas survey operations.
Decision letter (PDF, 411.58 KB)  Paid - $511.50 Unknown  
22 April 2015 150131 For access to any documents which refer to disabled parking as part of the University’s parking refurbishment. Decision letter (PDF, 2045.58 KB)Partial release (PDF, 235.05 KB) NA Unknown