Providing a pathway to the University of Canberra for domestic and international students

About UC College
At UC College we are committed to making quality university education accessible to everyone.
We specialise in preparing students for study at the University of Canberra through our various pathway programs.
Study with us

Domestics students have an array of pathway programs to help them enter their chosen degree. Find out which course is best for you.

We offer a range of programs for international students, from diplomas, foundation studies, graduate certificate in academic foundations to English language courses.

Improve your English and begin your Australian education experience with confidence.
2023 Course Delivery
Offshore students commencing study at UC College in 2023
As a result of some travel restrictions, students who are currently offshore and seeking to commence their studies at UC College in 2023 will be required to commence their studies via remote delivery. All students will be required to obtain the necessary visa in order to continue the course in Canberra.
Onshore students commencing study at UC College in 2023
We welcome all students back to studying with us on campus face to face. Please see any updates to our guidelines in regards to social distancing and masks here:
Orientation dates
The orientation session will be held on campus this year. For more details about the orientation session, please visit orientation webpage.