The Online Student - Services
At the UC Medical and Counselling Centre, we are committed to ensuring every student enjoys a positive and fulfilling student journey. This commitment extends to our online students, spanning across Australia. Below is a list of some of some of the health, psychology and other support services available at the UC Medical and Counselling Centre, designed to meet the unique needs of our online student community.
Doctors consultations via telehealth
Telehealth appointments allow you to have a consultation with your doctor over the phone.
Psychology consultations via telehealth
The UC Medical & Counselling Centre provides a free and confidential service available to all currently enrolled UC students located in Australia. You do not need a referral to access this service.
Psychiatry consultations via telehealth
A referral from a doctor within our practice is required to access this service.
Workshops and groups
We provide online groups and consultations to support UC students with their health and wellbeing. These must be booked in advance.
Telephone appointments with the Citizen Centred Justice ClinicA by appointment free legal advice clinic on Wednesdays.
UC Medical & Counselling newsletters
If you do not require a consultation but are interested in health and wellbeing information, read one of our newsletters. Written for UC students and the community, these newsletters touch on relevant topics such as healthy relationships, alcohol, vaping and stress. You can also enjoy some of the mindfulness activities to assist with your online university journey.