For all enquiries, please contact the Council Secretariat.
Council members
The membership, qualifications and appointment of Council members are contained in the University of Canberra Act 1989 (ACT). Council members must abide by the following;
- always act in the best interests of the University as a whole and not act as a delegate or representative of a particular constituency
- act in good faith, honestly and for a proper purpose
- exercise appropriate care and diligence
- not improperly use their position to gain an advantage for themselves or someone else or cause detriment to the University or someone else
- disclose and avoid conflicts of interest.
- Council has 15 members, nine external to the University and six internal, enabling a range of perspectives to be considered and encompassing a range of knowledge, skills and expertise.
- Eight of the external members, normally including the Deputy Chancellor, are appointed by the Chief Minister of the ACT, on the advice of the University.
- The Chancellor is appointed by the Council from outside or within the Council.
- External members are nominated on the basis of their expertise and experience in senior management in areas such as finance, commerce, law, information technology, education and corporate governance.
- At least two members will have financial expertise and at least one will have commercial expertise. Internal members include the Vice-Chancellor ex officio, the Chair of the Academic Board ex officio and others elected by the University's internal stakeholders, namely undergraduate and postgraduate students, academic staff and general staff.
- Members are appointed for terms between one and five years to allow for continuity and a balance between new ideas and corporate memory.
- All Council members must act in the interest of the whole University rather than that of their constituencies.
- The Council is committed to good governance. New members are inducted to make them aware of their roles and responsibilities and to inform external members about the University's activities.

Ms Lisa Paul AO PSM
Ms Lisa Paul AO PSM
Lisa Paul AO PSM is the Chancellor of the University of Canberra. Lisa is passionate about the University’s ambition in driving equality of opportunity and its commitment to Canberra and the region.
Lisa led higher education, science, research and innovation policy for the federal government as the longest-serving Secretary for the Department of Education, serving five Prime Ministers and nine Cabinet Ministers between 2004-2016. Lisa has continued to serve the education, science, research and innovation sectors as Chair of the Audit Committee of the Australian Academy of Science, Honorary Professor at the Australian National University Crawford School of Public Policy, Enterprise Professor at the University of Melbourne School of Government, member of Council at Bond University, and as a Director of Navitas and the Future Battery Industry Cooperative Research Centre.
Recently, Lisa was Co-Chair of an Independent Review of the National Disability Insurance Scheme, Deputy Chair of a Review of National School Reform Agreement. From 2018-2021, Lisa was Chair of Headspace, Australia’s National Youth Mental Health Foundation. Lisa is currently a Director of the Smith Family and the Australian American Leadership Dialogue. Lisa is an Officer of the Order of Australia, a recipient of the Public Service Medal and the Academy Medal from the Australian Academy of Science.

Ms Patricia Kelly PSM
Ms Patricia Kelly PSM
Deputy Chancellor
Patricia is Deputy Chancellor, Chair of Council’s Legislation Committee and a member of both the Finance Committee and the Nominations and Senior Appointments Committee.
She is also a Council Member at the Australian Institute of Marine Science. She chairs the Australian Square Kilometre Array Regional Centre and Co-operative Research Australia (formerly the CRC Association). She is a Director of DMTC Ltd.
Prior to her current roles, Patricia had a public sector career spanning over thirty years. Between 2013 and 2018 Patricia was Director-General of IP Australia (the Australian patent and trademark office). Before joining IP Australia, Patricia was a Deputy Secretary in Commonwealth departments responsible for industry, science and innovation from 2004 -2013.
Patricia has a Bachelor of Arts degree, with a major in communication and is a graduate (and current member) of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Professor Michelle Lincoln
Professor Michelle Lincoln
Acting Vice-Chancellor and President
Professor Michelle Lincoln was the Executive Dean of the Faculty of Health at the University of Canberra for five years prior to taking on the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic position in October 2023. As Executive Dean, she engaged in all aspects of the leadership of the Faculty including promoting the role and impact of health and sport professionals on the lives of clients, patients and communities. She also focused on the preparation of the future allied health workforce.
Professor Lincoln’s research has been funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council, the Australian Research Council and the NSW Government. She has published more than a hundred and fifty peer reviewed journal papers as well as books and book chapters. Most recently her work has developed evidence for innovative allied health service delivery models in rural areas as well as strategies for retaining allied health professionals.
Professor Lincoln has co-led the implementation of the UC Sport Strategy, a whole-of-university strategy designed to harness the power of sport for social justice, equality, inclusion and wellbeing by focusing our efforts on women in sport and sport integrity. The Sport Strategy aims to position UC as a leading university for sport in Australia and internationally.
Professor Lincoln was formerly the Deputy Dean, Associate Dean Learning and Teaching and the Head of Discipline of Speech Pathology in the Faculty of Health Sciences at The University of Sydney. She was the inaugural chair of the Asia Pacific Education Collaboration in Speech Pathology. Michelle has over 20 years of experience in facilitating student learning both in the classroom and on clinical placement. She takes a scholarly approach to learning and teaching and this has resulted in three cross institutional learning and teaching projects funded by the Office of Learning and Teaching and University and National teaching awards. Her research in education is focused on competency based assessment in clinical settings, clinical education models, ethical development and interprofessional learning.
Further to her role at the University, Professor Lincoln is the Board Chair of the Australian Council of Deans of Health Sciences, a member of the ACT Health Systems Council, member of the Allied Health Leadership Alliance and the Health Professions Education Standing Group of Universities Australia. In addition, she is a mentor for Franklin Women and the Minerva Foundation.
She is a Fellow of Speech Pathology Australia, a Principle Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and a Graduate Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Prof Elisa Martinez-Marroquin
Prof Elisa Martinez-Marroquin
Chair, Academic Board
Professor Elisa Martinez-Marroquin holds a B.Eng., M.Eng, and Ph.D. in Telecommunications and Electronics Engineering. She has developed her academic career internationally for over 20 years, with academic positions in Europe, Singapore, and Australia, ranging from Director of Technology Transfer, Senior Research Fellow, Head of Discipline and Associate Dean Education to Executive Dean. She is currently a Professor of Engineering at the Faculty of Science and Technology, Chair of the Academic Board, and member of Council at the University of Canberra.
As acting Dean of the Faculty of Education, Science, Technology and Mathematics (ESTEM), Elisa provided academic leadership, was responsible for financial management, partnerships, quality assurance and faculty performance, and led the split into two new Faculties, Faculty of Education and Faculty of Science and Technology. Elisa led the establishment of the Faculty of Science and Technology as interim Executive Dean, responsible for strategic direction, budgeting, workforce planning, quality assurance, financial management and setting up the governance and organisational structure for the first year of operations. Externally, Elisa has engaged in numerous committees, panels and boards, among which the Australian Council of Engineering Deans, the Association for Tertiary Education Management, the Australian Council of Deans of ICT, and the Australian Mathematics Trust as non-executive Director.

Dr Martin Laverty
Dr Martin Laverty
Dr Martin Laverty’s doctorate is in corporate governance. His thesis was on Board Director contributions to organisational performance. A lawyer by training with a Masters in Indigenous Laws, he currently leads a staff of 6,000 working across 500 locations nationally as CEO of the not-for-profit disability organisation Aruma. He is a Director of the international aid agency Caritas, and is a member of the Independent Hospital and Aged Care Pricing Authority’s Aged Care Advisory Committee.
Dr Laverty is a former Chief Executive of the Australian Medical Association and Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia, and previously served as Deputy Chair of the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profit Commission, a member of the National Disability Insurance Agency Board and as Chair of the National Heart Foundation. He has been an Adjunct Professor at the University of Western Australia’s Centre for Not-for-Profits, and served previously on the Australian Catholic University’s ACT Advisory Board and its Health Services Advisory Board. Martin and his wife have three children in local high schools. A twenty year Canberra resident, Martin joined the Council to help ensure the University continues to offer the type of quality tertiary education he experienced to the next generation of Canberrans.

Ms Alice Tay OAM
Ms Alice Tay OAM
Ministerial Appointee
Alice Tay is a commercial lawyer with 30 years’ experience in the establishment of entities, intellectual property, capital raising, acquisitions and sales, contracting and governance. She retired in 2018 as a partner at Meyer Vandenberg and is now focussed on utilising her experience to build healthy, vibrant, innovative and strong communities through her non-executive board and committee appointments. The University of Canberra has a particular interest as it is the university established for Canberra. As an overseas student and migrant who settled and prospered in Canberra, her appointment to the Council is an opportunity to contribute back to the community. Education and research are the foundation to a fulfilled and successful community.
Alice has a strong background in audit and risk at a board level and has chaired a number of A&R committees. She is a graduate of the AICD and a Fellow of the Governance Institute.
Alice’s other current Board and Committee positions include:
- Gambling and Racing Commission ACT - Deputy Chair and Chair, Audit and Risk Committee
- National Heart Foundation – Director, Chair, Risk, Audit and Governance Committee, Member, National Board Executive Group and Member, Investment Committee
- Master Builders Association ACT - Member, Finance, Audit and Risk Committee
- The Fly Program – Director (a health promotion charity start-up with a unique early and post clinical intervention program using nature and recreational fly-fishing as a tool for mental fitness)
- Project Independence - Member, Finance, Audit and Risk Committee (a social housing initiative aimed at providing home ownership for Australians with an intellectual disability)
- Community Housing Canberra Ltd, Director, Member of Risk and Audit Committee
- Diversification and Sustainability Support Fund (ACT Government), Member

Ms Anne-Marie Lansdown
Ms Anne-Marie Lansdown
Ministerial Appointee
Anne-Marie Lansdown is an experienced executive who has worked in government in the education and research sectors nationally and internationally. As a senior executive in the Education, Industry and Communications departments she developed a deep understanding of higher education and research policy. In the international space, she worked on multiple bilateral science and technology agreements, OECD committees, and UN summits.
Anne-Marie was one of the architects of Australia’s national research infrastructure program, NCRIS, developing three of the national NCRIS roadmaps. These were augmented by the Education Investment Fund and the Super Science funding. The NCRIS is a highly collaborative and distinctively Australian program which maximises Australia’s research infrastructure investments by coordinating open access, targeted specialities, and co-funding across the country.
Over her period in government, she worked with five of the past six Chief Scientists, most recently as Chief of Staff to former Chief Scientist, Dr Alan Finkel.
As Deputy Chief Executive at Universities Australia over seven years, she was responsible for managing the higher education policy agenda for the advocacy group.
She currently sits on the boards of the Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC), Cooperative Research Australia (CRA) and the Australian National Imaging Facility (ANIF). As Chair of the Marine National Facility (MNF), she is able to follow the powerful science being generated by Australia’s marine researchers. She is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
As a lifelong Canberran, she has followed the progress of the University of Canberra over the decades. The university’s important focus on the Canberra community and support for the development of our professional workforce is a source of pride. She is honoured to be part of the University of Canberra enterprise.

Mr Medy Hassan OAM
Mr Medy Hassan OAM
Ministerial Appointee
Medy Hassan is deeply committed to contributing to the University of Canberra (UC) as a Council member due to the alignment of values and his dedication to making a positive impact. As an alumnus and Adjunct Professor at UC, Medy is a nationally recognized advocate for diversity, inclusion, and belonging. UC's core commitments to its place in Canberra and its goal of becoming the most accessible university in Australia resonate strongly with both his personal and professional values.
Medy Hassan OAM is the Founder of Haus Holdings, Co-founder of Vitae Capital, and Chairman of GenCap Wealth. His passion lies in leveraging commercial strategies to enhance financial, social, and environmental well-being. His companies are driven by a vision to "reimagine the paradigm" for both current and future ventures, with a specialization in social enterprise, equity, property, and venture markets.
Medy is a recognised expert in private equity, property, and the delivery of complex infrastructure projects. His work focuses on driving innovation, achieving global excellence, and fostering sustainable and environmentally beneficial outcomes. In his leadership roles, he oversees the overall operations of his companies, always striving to fulfil their strategic ambitions.
With 25 years of global and national experience working across all tiers of government, corporate institutions, and private investors, Medy has overseen investments and transactions totalling $3 billion.
In 2021, Medy was awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia. He is a member of the University of Canberra Council, a Fellow of the Royal Society, and a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Building. Additionally, he serves as an Adjunct Professor at multiple universities in Australia. In 2024, Medy was honoured as the APAC CEO of the Year (Australia) in Social Enterprise and received the Global CEO Award for Best Social Enterprise & Investment CEO 2024 (Australia).

Dr Michael Schaper
Dr Michael Schaper
Ministerial Appointee
With substantial experience across government, business and in academia, Michael is now a professional company director. He has previously served as the ACT Small Business Commissioner, Deputy Chair of the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission, CEO of the Canberra Business Chamber, and as Dean of a number of university business schools. He currently sits on a number of boards for the private sector, federal and state governments, and on the national board of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. He is particularly keen in building stronger and more effective relationships between the university, the local ACT business community, and different levels of government.

Mr Michael Costello AO
Mr Michael Costello AO
Michael Costello AO brings significant governance experience and deep practical experience gained in leadership roles commercially at the Australian Stock Exchange (Head of Strategy, then deputy managing director), ACTEW Corporation (director, then managing director), and ActewAGL (CEO); in public sector leadership roles as secretary of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, secretary of the Department of Industrial Relations, and Ambassador to the United Nations; and in community governance and leadership roles, most recently at the GWS Giants AFL team (director & Integrity Committee chair).
Michael thus brings perspectives from both the commercial and public spheres to Council. Deep and sustained understanding of, and successful operation in, both the commercial and public sectors - and intimate understanding of the dynamic interaction between them - is a particular strength. He has operated with impact at the top level of the community, national and international realms - something which the University must also do. The combination of deep, sustained private and public sector experience, combined with sustained community, national and international operating experience, brings distinctive value to Council and the University.
Michael is committed to enacting and supporting the University's values, core teaching and research activities, independence, academic freedom and community needs. He brings a passionate belief in the critical role of the university in our society generally and the Canberra community specifically. He supports the University's curriculum indigenisation aspirations and its potential as a pacesetter in the sector in this regard. He is a lifelong exponent of fairness and inclusion and has worked to promote and embed those values, philosophically, organisationally and through commercial and public policy.

Prof Benedict Sheehy
Prof Benedict Sheehy
Elected Academic Staff
Dr Benedict Sheehy, FAAL, is a Professor of Law and former Head of Canberra Law School at the University of Canberra, Australia. Professor Sheehy was educated in Canada and Australia and holds the following degrees: BTh, MA, JD, MA, LLM and PhD. He is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Law.
He has worked as a corporate and commercial lawyer, a corporate executive, and an academic in Canada, Mexico and Australia. In Australia, he has held positions at the University of Newcastle and RMIT University in Melbourne prior to coming to the University of Canberra. Throughout his academic career, he has been involved in governance at various levels and made significant, lasting contributions to these institutions in his governance roles.
As an academic, Professor Sheehy is an internationally recognized law scholar. He is highly cited and has published over 100 scholarly articles. His work appears in leading journals around the globe in the disciplines of law, business and economics.
Professor Sheehy has been on the University Council since 2022 as an elected member of the academic staff of the university. In this position, his role is to ensure that the academic voice is heard. As a person committed to the university as a global institution as well as the University of Canberra, Professor Sheehy aims to ensure that the university offers the best it can offer to students, staff and the community at large. He believes that frank, respectful, well-informed discussion that includes a range of views, provides the best chance of good decisions for the organization.
His academic work is readily available on Google Scholar and his professional profile is available via LinkedIn.