The committee will provide independent assurance and advice to the Council on the University’s control environment including audit, risk, compliance and governance.
Council committees
The University Council is committed to good governance. Council reviews its performance and the performance of its sub-committees annually. The Council's sub-committees consider matters relating to finance and resources, audit and risk management, legislation, environment and the physical infrastructure, strategy, honorary degrees and nominations. The advisory committees are normally chaired by external members of the Council.
The Committees are established by the University Council in accordance with section 17 of the University of Canberra Act 1989 (ACT).
The Committees have the following responsibilities:
- strategic direction, budget and business plan (Connected - A Decadal Strategy, 2023 - 2032)
- oversight and review of Executive and University performance
- management and control of finances
- University legislation and policies
- overseeing and monitoring academic activities
- overseeing and monitoring risk management, systems of control and accountability
- overseeing management and control of property and business affairs
- management of the Council's own affairs.
Finance Committee
The committee will monitor, advise and report to the Council on matters relating to financial performance and sustainability, management of capital and funds, staff employment or diversity proposals or reports.
Nominations and Senior Appointments Committee
The committee will monitor and make recommendations to the Council in relation to nominations, membership, performance and remuneration of the Council and Executive positions.
Planning and Development Committee
The committee will monitor and advise the Council on matters relating to the planning and development of the University’s major property and infrastructure.

For all enquiries, please contact the Council Secretariat.
University of Canberra
11 Kirinari Street
Bruce ACT 2617