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Previous Short Courses

Engage with the latest research in media and communications and expand your skill set in 2020 with one of our N&MRC short courses (part of the Faculty of Arts and Design Winter Short Courses). Both courses are online and have been designed so you are able to complete from the comfort of your home.

Humanitarian Communication

This unit investigates communication and advocacy relating to excluded, precarious, low- and middle-income contexts. It is aimed at range of professionals in government and non-governmental organisations, suitable for communication professionals looking for a basic start in this area, and to all managers and professionals seeking a primary understanding of communication and advocacy. Topics range from the applied to the academic, including: trends and shifts in journalism and communication; how communication research is undertaken in difficult contexts; advocacy and influence, and relationships to politics; the ethics of communication in humanitarian campaigns; and practice and case studies in humanitarian communication.

Further information can be found by clicking on the course title above.

Short Course Dates

  • Tuesday 28th July 2020: 9:30am - 3pm
  • Wednesday 29th July 2020: 9:30am - 3pm
  • Thursday 30th July 2020: 9:30am - 3pm

N&MRC Presenter

Dr David Nolan
Associate Professor in Communication and Media 

David Nolan is Associate Professor in the School of Arts and Communication, where he works in the News and Media Research Centre.  Between 2005 and 2019, as a lecturer in Media and Communications at the University of Melbourne, he taught a subject in the Master of Global Media Communication that critically focused on transformations occurring in Humanitarian Communication, combining industry insights with perspectives from academic research.  David has published influential research about shifts in aid agency-media relations and humanitarian journalism in the major international journals Journalism Studies, Global Media and Communication and Journalism Practice. He is currently developing a research network to focus on the implications of philanthropic support for humanitarian journalism.

Related Articles: David Nolan, Stephanie Brookes & Michelle Imison (2020) Abandoning Either/Ors in Analyzing Shifts in Humanitarian Reporting, Journalism Practice, 14:1, 17-33.

Other Presenter

Dr Donald McCallum
Lecturer in International Development

Dr Donald McCallum is a lecturer in International Development in the School of Arts and Communication. Don started out as an engineer, working in mining, process engineering in Western Australia then advanced manufacturing in Cambridge, UK. His PhD in 3D printing began in 1999, and this led to industry and research roles in digital printing and bio-printing when these fields were in their infancy. He continues to consult on technical programs and assists the faculty in external linkages and business development. He spent six years as a logistician and project manager in the Middle-east and Africa undertaking humanitarian work in natural disasters, Ebola, HIV, famine, refugee and war contexts.  Difficult negotiations in complex, precarious contexts taught him the value of good humanitarian communication and advocacy. He is currently on the governance committee of Medecins Sans Frontieres Australia.

Related Article: CAR: My tenths assignment with MSF

Media Technology and the Family

Are you concerned about how your teenage children use their phones and devices for almost everything... schoolwork, socialising and engaging with the world?

In this course, participants will:

  • be introduced to contemporary research about digital media, families and parenting;
  • explore the historical and contemporary context of children’s digital media use, including media and popular narratives, moral panics and utopian narratives;
  • be invited to discuss approaches to parental mediation of children’s media consumption within the context of managing the risks and opportunities of media technology; and
  • reflect on the most up-to-date cyber safety advice and resources from Australia and other relevant nations, and the challenges of ‘good parenting’ in the digital age.

During the course, participants will be given the opportunity to share in groups their own concerns, challenges and strategies for managing their children’s digital media use.

Further information can be found by clicking on the course title above.

Short Course Dates

  • Friday 12th June 2020 (morning or afternoon sessions available)
  • Friday 19th June 2020 (morning or afternoon sessions available)
  • Friday 26th June 2020 (morning or afternoon sessions available)
  • Friday 3rd July 2020 (morning or afternoon sessions available)

N&MRC Presenters

Dr Catherine Page Jeffery
Lecturer in Communication and Media

Dr Catherine Page Jeffery is a Lecturer in Communication and Media at the University of Canberra. She completed her PhD in 2019 which examined parental anxieties, knowledges and practices in relation to their teenage children’s use of digital to media. She has taught across a number of units at the University for the past six years. Prior to academia she worked for Australia’s ICT research centre of excellence; and in cyber safety education and media regulation at the Australian Communications and Media Authority.

Catherine’s research interests include digital media and technological change, parenting cultures, digital media use within families, as well as moral panics and mass media framing of children’s use of digital media. She is a self-confessed tv addict and mother of two children.

Dr Glen Fuller
Associate Professor in Communication and Media

Dr Glen Fuller is an Associate Professor in Communication and Media and the current Head of School for the School of Art and Communication in the Faculty of Art and Design, University of Canberra. He has worked in the magazine industry and taught across a range of disciplines in various universities for more than 16 years.

Beyond his main research interest in enthusiasm and the media, his broader research interests are varied and include popular culture, gender, celebrity, digital news, social media, media events, and media technology. He is a Chief Investigator in the ARC-funded research project “Pedalling for Change” where his part of the research team involves investigating media discourses around cycling and cycling infrastructure. He is an editor of the Fibreculture Journal.