Integrating Nursing Concepts 2 (11962.1)
Available teaching periods | Delivery mode | Location |
View teaching periods | On-campus |
Bruce, Canberra UC Sydney Hills, Castle Hill, NSW |
EFTSL | Credit points | Faculty |
0.125 | 3 | Faculty Of Health |
Discipline | Study level | HECS Bands |
Discipline Of Nursing | Level 1 - Undergraduate Introductory Unit | Band 1 2021 (Commenced After 1 Jan 2021) Band 1 2021 (Commenced Before 1 Jan 2021) |
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:1. Demonstrate safety in the clinical environment at a foundational level (environment, person) including documentation, clinical handover and risk assessment and prevention;
2.Communicate professionally and with a therapeutic approach to conduct holistic health assessment using the nursing process and clinical reasoning;
3. Participate in person centred clinical care activities across the lifespan using evidence to inform health assessment, clinical skill development and nursing care planning safely under supervision;
4. Differentiate between expected and unexpected clinical findings at a foundational level, identify signs of deterioration and initiate appropriate care escalation;
5. Undertake safe medication administration practice and explain the principles of quality use of medicines for oral, topical and subcutaneous preparations in the simulated environment;
6. Reflect on and strategise for culturally safe and inclusive healthcare, and
7. Demonstrate expected level of understanding and performance in simulated and professional environments commensurate with the scope of practice for Integrating Nursing Practice 2.
Graduate attributes
1. UC graduates are professional - communicate effectively1. UC graduates are professional - display initiative and drive, and use their organisation skills to plan and manage their workload
1. UC graduates are professional - employ up-to-date and relevant knowledge and skills
1. UC graduates are professional - take pride in their professional and personal integrity
1. UC graduates are professional - use creativity, critical thinking, analysis and research skills to solve theoretical and real-world problems
1. UC graduates are professional - work collaboratively as part of a team, negotiate, and resolve conflict
2. UC graduates are global citizens - understand issues in their profession from the perspective of other cultures
3. UC graduates are lifelong learners - reflect on their own practice, updating and adapting their knowledge and skills for continual professional and academic development
3. UC graduates are lifelong learners - be self-aware
10203 Integrating Nursing Concepts 1Corequisites
10202 Concepts in Pharmacology or 11964 Concepts in PharmacologyIncompatible units
None.Equivalent units
10204 Integrating Nursing Concepts 2 (Capstone 1)Assumed knowledge
None.Year | Location | Teaching period | Teaching start date | Delivery mode | Unit convener |
2025 | Bruce, Canberra | Semester 2 | 28 July 2025 | On-campus | Mrs Vera Kaak |
2025 | UC Sydney Hills, Castle Hill, NSW | Semester 2 | 28 July 2025 | On-campus | Mrs Vera Kaak |
Required texts
Recommended Resources
American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). American Psychological Association.
- All UC nursing courses use APA 7th Edition for referencing and writing style.
- Students may choose to either purchase this text or access a copy from the library to support their learning throughout the semester.
- Use of a referencing text is beneficial and can be used throughout your program of study.
- The UC Library also has a referencing guide which can be found here:
- All INC units use Med+Safe®. Students will be provided access to this resource during the teaching periods they are enrolled in an INC unit.
Harris, P,. Nagy, S., & Vardaxis, N. (2018). Mosby's medical dictionary of medicine, nursing and health professions. (3rd ANZ ed). Elsevie.
Students must be familiar with the Nursing student Clinical Placement Guidelines, the scope of practice document, and the Faculty of Health Placement Guidelines.
Recommended Texts
Knights, M., Rowland, A., Darroch, S., & Bushell, M. (2022) Pharmacology for Health Professionals. (6th ed.). Elsevier.
Crisp, J., Douglas, C., Rebeiro, G. & Waters, D. (2020). Potter & Perry's Fundamentals of Nursing – ANZ. (6th ed.). Elsevier.
Levett-Jones, T. (2022). Clinical Reasoning Learning to think like a nurse. (3rd ed.). Pearson.
McCormack, B., McCance, T., Bulley, C., Brown, D., McMillan, A., & Martin, S. (Eds.). (2021) Fundamentals of Person-Centred Healthcare Practice. John Wiley & Sons
Submission of assessment items
Extensions & Late submissions
Submission of assessment items
Students are strongly encouraged to submit their assessment during business hours to ensure access to Student Support Services including IT Service Desk and the Library. It is important to note that personal network/computer/technical problems are generally not considered acceptable grounds or reasons for an extension to the due date. Students who are experiencing difficulty uploading a submission are strongly encouraged to take a screenshot of any error messages, including the date and time, and contact Service Desk for technical support.
Students must submit their own original work that has not been previously submitted for assessment at the University of Canberra. Self-plagiarism is grounds for referral for academic misconduct. In this context the student is being assessed as an individual.
Where the student participates in a group or paired assessment in a clinical unit (including but not limited to clinical hurdle assessment and/or OSCE) each student's work is being assessed individually and concern related to collusion will be referred to the ADE (Health) as per the summary inquiry process.
Students can apply for one (1) extension, to the submission due date for an assessment item, if the student experiences extenuating circumstances and are able to provide documented evidence. Additional extensions will not be approved. If the student experiences ongoing extenuating circumstances the student is encouraged to meet with the unit convenor to discuss their enrolment in the unit.
Students must ensure that when applying for an extension to the due date their application meets the requirements as per the University of Canberra Assessment Procedures. This means that students must ensure that when applying for an extension all required components are submitted to the assessment extension application prior to the assessment due date. It is the student's individual responsibility to ensure that applications are completed in full and in a timely manner.
In the event that a student experiences significant extenuating circumstances the unit convenor may seek guidance from the BN Convenor to support the student's progression and participation across enrolled units of study within the same teaching period. Please see the extension section of this unit outline and the dedicated page on the BN Canvas site for more information.
To pass this unit, students must:
- Submit all assessment items including formative activities as instructed, and
- Attend all allocated workshops and seminars, and
- Achieve a Pass (50% or more) in the OSCE where applicable, and
- Achieve satisfactory competence of clinical skills, and
- Achieve 100% on the Med+Safe quiz
- Meet attendance requirements of the scheduled PEP, and
- Achieve a satisfactory assessment for PEP, and
- Achieve 50% overall.
PEP within the Bachelor of Nursing program is privileged as a critical nursing development opportunity for students. All Integrating Nursing Concepts (INC) units have discrete theory components and a clinical practice component where student capability is assessed. For INC units where the PEP is scheduled after the unit teaching and unit results are known, students must be on a passing grade to continue onto their scheduled placement.
Any upcoming placement (PEP) will be cancelled by the CareersUC Placement Team on the advice of either the Unit Convenor and Nursing Professional Practice Convenor, where students meet one (1) or more of the following criteria:
- Overall unit mark achieved is less than <50/100.
- have failed their OSCA.
- have not completed Pre-PEP requirements stipulated by their allocated PEP site and the broader university requirements including manual handling training.
Failure to satisfactorily complete Pre-PEP and/or PEP requirements will result in a fail (NC) grade for the unit.
Special assessment requirements
Information on extensions and special considerations for assessments can be found in the Assessment Policy and Assessment Procedures.
Moderation will be undertaken for assessment items to ensure that marking is fair and consistent. Moderation processes are in line with the Faculty of Health guidelines and the University Assessment Procedures
Late submissions
Late submissions will only be accepted for a limited period. If more than one late submission is made within that period, only the first late submission will be accepted for marking and may be subject to penalties as detailed in the Assessment Procedures.
It is strongly advised that students do not submit an assessment or sit an exam if they are ill or hold a current medical certificate. No consideration will be given for illness when the assessment or examination is marked.
In the event students are ill they are strongly advised to apply for an extension to the due date of an assessment, as outlined on the unit Canvas site and/or contact their unit convenor to arrange a deferred exam, prior to the due date of the assessment/exam.
Integrating Nursing Concepts (INC) Units
PEP assessments provide opportunities to evaluate the student's ability to apply theoretical knowledge and frameworks, technical and non-technical skills in clinical practice settings. Students will be assessed for their ability to respond to and care for patients and families, using professional ethical nursing practice at year level. Students are required to implement skills safely and effectively in a variety of settings and are assessed against the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (2016) Registered Nurse standards for practice using the ANSAT tool. To receive a passing grade students are required to attain a score of 3 or higher in all sections.
As such, a satisfactory grade must be obtained in the clinical component to pass this unit.
To achieve satisfactory progress, you must:
- Attend all rostered PEP.
- If you are unable to attend for any reason, you must notify the placement site as soon as possible (before the scheduled shift) that you are unable to attend and notify your supervising Clinical Liaison Nurse (CLN)/Clinical Facilitator (CF).
- Absences must be reported and approved by the Nursing Professional Practice Convenor.
- Complete all Clinical assessment tasks as stipulated within the INC Canvas site.
Assessment will be moderated by the CLN team, Nursing Professional Prctice Convenor, and Unit Convenor to ensure that judgments of students' performance are fair and valid. If you require further information on how the assessment tasks of this unit are assessed and moderated, please see the unit convenor.
Supplementary assessment
Will not be offered to students.
Students must apply academic integrity in their learning and research activities at UC. This includes submitting authentic and original work for assessments and properly acknowledging any sources used.
Academic integrity involves the ethical, honest and responsible use, creation and sharing of information. It is critical to the quality of higher education. Our academic integrity values are honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility and courage.
UC students have to complete the Academic Integrity Module annually to learn about academic integrity and to understand the consequences of academic integrity breaches (or academic misconduct).
UC uses various strategies and systems, including detection software, to identify potential breaches of academic integrity. Suspected breaches may be investigated, and action can be taken when misconduct is found to have occurred.
Information is provided in the Academic Integrity Policy, Academic Integrity Procedure, and University of Canberra (Student Conduct) Rules 2023. For further advice, visit Study Skills.
Learner engagement
All Bachelor of Nursing students are expected to undertake a minimum of five (5) hours per week per unit of directed/self-directed learning (SDL), related to content engagement, assessment preparation, clinical learning, or revision, in addition to their timetabled unit contact (i.e., lectures, workshops, tutorials).
In nursing where PEP is a requirement for professional registration, hours expected for engagement and to meet the unit requirements are necessarily adjusted and may fluctuate during the teaching period.
Inclusion and engagement
Any student with a reasonable adjustment plan (RAP) is asked to contact to discuss any reasonable adjustments that may be required for PEP. A RAP cannot be automatically applied to PEP and students must seek a Placement Support Letter from the inclusions team in addition to their RAP.
Students within 364JA Bachelor of Nursing must ensure that they meet the Inherent Requirements relevant to the profession of nursing – it is each students responsibility to read and understand these UC Nursing Inherent Requirements statements. For support in meeting the inherent requirements, please make a time with InclusionUC and your Course Convenor
Participation requirements
It is expected that students will participate in all learning opportunities in this unit. This is inclusive of all timetabled activities. Assessment items are linked to the unit learning outcomes, the NMBA Registered Nurse Standards for Practice (2016) and professional codes. Therefore, all students are required to attend and actively participate in all learning activities scheduled for this unit. Student can self-select their preferred classes via the Allocate+ system. All students are reminded that it is an ANMAC requirement that students complete their studies onshore, in Australia. This applies to both domestic and international students. If you are scheduled to undertake a unit of study in the upcoming teaching period and are experiencing extenuating circumstances preventing you from remaining on shore, please contact the International Nursing Student Convenor or the Bachelor of Nursing Course Convenor to discuss your ongoing course progression.
Students are expected to attend their allocated weekly workshop/tutorial (and seminar in INC units). It is the student's own responsibility to ensure they have read and understood the attendance requirements for this unit of study. Failure to meet the attendance requirements of this unit will result in a NN grade. In the event that a student experiences extenuating circumstances impacting on their ability to attend their allocated workshop the student must notify the unit convenor via the unit email and provide documentary evidence to support their absence.
Approved absences, opportunity to clarify learning and make up requirements – All units
Approved absences, supported by documentary evidence, will be determined at the discretion of the unit convenor, in line with the information available on the individual unit Canvas site.
It is the responsibility of the individual student to seek clarification if they have questions related to the content missed. In the first instance students are expected to post their question on the available discussion boards and await a response from the teaching/convening team or their peers.
Ongoing points requiring clarification are to be addressed in the available drop-in and/or make-up sessions. Students are also afforded the opportunity to contact the convening team via the unit email address as required.
Approved absences are not considered grounds for appeal.
As stipulated in this unit outline students are required to attend 100% of the scheduled timetable activities for this unit.
Where an approved absence is granted for a seminar, the student will be:
- Expected to revise any content missed, inclusive of:
- seminar activities
- required readings
- Canvas activities
- Required to attend the available drop-in session/s scheduled in weeks 8 and/or week 11 or 12 in the semester.
- Students will be advised of the available session/s via the unit Canvas site.
Where an approved absence is granted for a practical workshop, students will be:
- Expected to revise any content missed, inclusive of:
- seminar activities
- required readings
- Canvas activities
- Required to attend the available make-up practical session/s scheduled in weeks 8 and/or week 11 or 12 in the semester.
- Students will be advised of the available session/s via the unit Canvas site.
It is expected that students will make themselves available for the session/s relevant to their approved absence.
If students identify further clarification is required, it is expected that they will attend a drop-in session/s available within the individual unit.
Absence from PEP requires notification to the site and your CLN/CF as soon as possible before the commencement of the rostered shift. Students will be asked to provide evidence for the reason of their absence either in the form of a medical certificate or a statutory declaration, the form of required evidence will be determined by the CLN/CF in consultation with the Nursing Professional Practice Convenor. Absences from PEP will be required to be made up in allocated make up time. If the absences from PEP for an INC unit exceed 20% of the allocated hours the student will be required to complete the make up before being able to pass the PEP and hence the unit. This may delay the progress of students into the next INC unit. PEP make up time will be scheduled as available in industry, student's personal circumstances will be considered wherever possible when scheduling make up time however at times availability is limited. This may also affect a student's progression on rare occasions. If a student has missed PEP due to injury or illness, the student will be required to obtain a fitness for practice certificate from a medical practitioner before make up will be scheduled.
The theoretical underpinning of caring science is fundamental to ensure safe nursing practice. Completion of all learning modules, including directed and self-directed study, and active participation in workshops is expected. Participating in workshop discussions to clarify concepts and to develop confidence with professional communication and verbally expressing ideas can be helpful for students and also supports the learning of student peers (see NMBA RN standards for practice 2016 Standard 2 and related criterion
It is expected that all students will be available for the duration of the teaching period, inclusive of any scheduled PEP in INC units. All students are encouraged to review the Important Dates for Applications and Enrolments for information on deadlines, including census date.
During the week before the teaching period commences (O week) students are encouraged to speak with the relevant unit convenor/s to understand specific unit requirements in their chosen unit of study, including requirements specified in this unit outline.
Where a student self-identifies that they will not be available for the duration of the teaching period, and/or scheduled PEP, it is strongly encouraged that they consider withdrawing from the unit prior to census date to avoid any financial and/or academic penalty. Where extenuating circumstances arise after census date the student will be encouraged to speak with Student Centre regarding withdrawal from the unit and applying for remission of fees and/or academic penalty.
It is expected that students who withdraw from a unit of study will contact the course convenor to discuss their overall course progression and seek an updated, approved, study plan from to support their continued progression in the course.
Course Progression and Maximum Duration
Students are reminded that any variation to their study plan, including withdrawal or awarding of a fail grade, will increase overall course duration. Students must course complete within the maximum course duration of six (6) years. As the Bachelor of Nursing course is accredited with the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC), in the event that a student is identified as not being able to course complete in the required maximum course duration, the Discipline will recommend to Faculty Board that your program be discontinued.
INC Units
All INC Units are linked to PEP and as such, completion of all learning modules, including directed and self-directed study, and active participation in face-to-face workshops is expected. Participating in workshop discussions to clarify concepts and to develop confidence with professional communication and verbally expressing ideas can be helpful for students and supports the learning of student peers (see NMBA RN Standards for Practice (2016) Standard 2 and related criterion
Practical workshops attendance and active participation is required to enable students to practice the ‘skilful doing' aspects of nursing practice. Practical workshops enable students to translate concepts and theoretical understanding into ‘real world' applications safely while practicing professional communication skills. Absence from practical workshops must be notified to the Unit Convener via email with documentary evidence provided for a make-up workshop to be considered. Failure to attend practical workshops (as per above 5b) will prevent students from progressing to a PEP, hence failure to attend practical workshops is grounds for an NC (fail grade) in this unit.
Pre-Placement requirements
Pre-Placement Requirements must be attended to and submitted via InPlace. Please consult with the Placement Team if your criminal record check, manual handling and/or immunisation schedule will become out-of-date while on placement for 2023.
Failure to complete the pre-placement requirements will result in the student's scheduled placement to be cancelled and an NC grade will be awarded. For more information regarding pre-placement requirements please review the work integrated learning (WIL) section of this unit outline.
Required IT skills
Please note the materials required for this unit section. You will require computer skills to access the internet upload to the Canvas university site submissions in various formats. This unit may involve online meetings in real time using a virtual room. To participate verbally, rather than just typing, you will need a microphone. For best audio quality we recommend a microphone and speaker headset. For more information and to test your computer, please visit the UCLearn Student Help link.
Students undertaking units where there are assessment items conducted online are strongly encouraged to test their setup during the semester. Where support for troubleshooting technical issues is identified by students, students are encouraged to seek support from Service Desk.
In-unit costs
The following costs are expected with this unit:
- Textbooks
- Self-printing of any electronic material provided.
- Potential costs associated with remote learning activities and/or assessments (e.g., reliable computer and internet connection).
Work placement, internships or practicums
INC Units
The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC) has accredited the UC Bachelor of Nursing program. For UC graduates to be eligible for registration as a nurse in Australia, attendance on PEP for the required number of hours over the course is mandatory. Therefore, attendance is compulsory for all scheduled PEP.
To meet the requirements of the Bachelor of Nursing degree, students must successfully complete the set number of clinical hours within a variety of clinical settings. The University of Canberra has developed relationships with a range of public and private health service providers to achieve this requirement. Students are representing the University and are expected to meet the University student conduct requirements.
PEP is organised by the CareersUC Placement Team and are scheduled throughout the calendar year, including during class free periods. Once allocated to PEP, students are expected to be available to attend that placement in the roster given by the placement site. There are a range of important learning opportunities available throughout the shift and students are expected to avail themselves of these opportunities.
Students are required to be punctual for placement and should receive their rostered shifts from the CareersUC Placement Team.
Required PEP Documents and Assessments
In each Integrating Nursing Concepts (INC) canvas unit the platform SmartaBase is used to record students PEP assessments, goals, reflections and clinical attendance. Students will be provided information and education on using the system and associated placement requirements.
In line with requirements stipulated in the Student PEP guidelines any evidence of extenuating circumstances that affect a student's attendance schedule and/or location of PEP, must be provided to the Clinical Placements Team, by the deadline announced on the BN Canvas sites, for consideration during PEP scheduling. This includes clinical placement letters from Inclusion.
Prior to commencing PEP all students are required to:
- Review the Clinical Placement Module and SmartaBase instructions.
- This includes all associated due dates for each of the required activities.
- Complete all pre- placement requirements by the advertised deadline.
- Accept the conditions and upload a signed copy of the UC Student Agreement.
During PEP all students are required to:
- Complete and submit their mid-placement assessment.
Please note: It is expected that students will complete their scheduled PEP, in consecutive days. This is to support their learning and development, and to facilitate assessment of students against the required standards. Where students are absent from PEP and the absence impacts on continuity of assigned PEP, the remainder of the student's scheduled PEP may be rescheduled. The rescheduled PEP will be inclusive of the outstanding PEP hours and any required make-up time, to afford opportunity for the student to undertake PEP as required and be assessed appropriately.
After clinical placement all students are required to:
- Complete and upload a copy of their timesheets
- This must be completed within seven (7) days of completion of clinical placement.
Students who do not complete above activities, within the required timeframes, will not be able to commence/continue or finalise their PEP resulting in a fail, non-complete (NC) grade.
Students who are unsuccessful in any INC unit will be required to complete all assessments (including all PEP hours) in a subsequent offering of the unit to progress in their program ie. PEP hours from an unsuccessful attempt at an INC unit are not included in the PEP hours calculated for the program.
Additional mandated pre-placement requirements
Pre Place is a required module and must be completed by any student attending a placement/internship. Students are required to upload the specific documents and complete the outlined training. To access this course please follow this link Students will not be permitted to attend placement until they have completed the training and uploaded evidence to InPlace.
Students are advised to review InPlace regularly to check the status of their pre-placement requirements and to ensure that all contact details are up-to-date. This information must include an emergency point of contact or next of kin.
The CareersUC Placement Team requires evidence of the following before a placement can be organised:
- Immunisations
- TB Screening
- NSW Health Forms
- National Criminal History Check
- Working with Vulnerable People Card
- Manual Handling Training Assessment
The student needs to upload this information to InPlace and ensure it is verified (green status) a minimum of four (4) weeks prior to commencing placement.
Students are required to be familiar with the Pre-Placement requirements and Placement checks and clearances pages.
Industry mandatory requirements:
Students will be advised of any mandatory eLearning which must be completed for specific clinical placement sites via email or InPlace notification. Students are required to complete all eLearning as directed in this correspondence to participate in their PEP as scheduled.
Failure to complete required eLearning, or pre-placement requirements, within the advised timeframes will result in the cancellation of clinical placement (PEP) and a fail (NC) grade for the unit.
Please see the BN Clinical Placement Canvas site and the Clinical Placement website for further detailed information.
Manual Handling
Students should check InPlace to ensure their Manual Handling training is current. Annual manual handling training is a pre-placement requirement for all nursing students in any health care facility. This may be in addition to any other e-learning required by a Health Service. Training information can be found on the Faculty of Health Canvas site. Students must complete all the online Manual Handling training modules and the quiz. Evidence of successful completion of the quiz is then uploaded to InPlace to show proof of completion of manual handling training. A practical training session will be needed - you will be advised of this via unit convenor or by the Nursing Professional Practice Convenor.
Students should ensure that enough time is allowed to complete the online modules (1-2 hours), leaving this until the last moment will result in the student not being able to complete Manual Handling training and subsequent cancellation of their placement.
Failure to complete the required Manual Handling training, within the advised timeframes, will result in the cancellation of clinical placement (PEP) and a fail (NC) grade for the unit.
Make up time
Unless they have evidence of extenuating circumstances, students are expected to complete all rostered clinical practice days, to satisfactorily meet the requirements of the Integrating Nursing Concepts unit. The Bachelor of Nursing 364JA is accredited to include 840 hours of supervised practice for course completion.
Students who are approved to complete make-up days because of absence due to extenuating circumstances, will have this arranged by the CareersUC Placement Team and will be notified via InPlace.
Students are strongly encouraged to self-audit their clinical hours regularly and compare these to the hours recorded on their InPlace profile to ensure accuracy.
Removal from Clinical Placement (PEP)
Students who demonstrate unsatisfactory progress towards the expected standard of practice for their enrolled Integrating Nursing Concepts unit at any point throughout their PEP will be commenced on an Individual Support Plan (ISP) with specific learning strategies and goals. If the strategies and goals are not met, students will receive an unsatisfactory Clinical Assessment, which will result in removal from Clinical Placement (PEP) and a fail grade (NC) for the unit. If the students conduct or practice constitutes a significant risk to public safety, as assessed by the clinical site, CLN, or CF a student's placement may be suspended or terminated immediately without an ISP in place. The student will meet with the Nursing Professional Practice Convenor and Discipline Lead (Nursing) and discuss their progress in the unit, and alternate arrangements may be made depending on the outcome of the meeting and any investigations or inquiries.