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Respectful community

Video: What does a respectful community mean to you?

At the University of Canberra, we all have the right to a respectful and supportive environment where we can study, work and live safely.

UC prides itself on its commitment to diversity, inclusion, tolerance and respect and, as part of the UC community, we expect that all staff and students uphold these principles in their conduct. Through our actions, we can ensure that all members of our community feel a sense of belonging to UC.

Our community has zero-tolerance to unacceptable behaviours such as bullying, violence, harassment or sexual assault. Each of us is an ambassador for UC and it’s up to all of us to make sure we work together to keep our university safe, respectful and inclusive.


RUOK day is a national day of action which aims to raise awareness about mental health and suicide prevention. It is held annually on the second Thursday of September. In 2018, the University of Canberra came together on 13 September and held a range of #RUOK themed activities and events, and had guest lecturer Hugh Mackay speak on his new book 'Australia Reimagined'. The day serves as a reminder to everyone that any day is the day to ask, “Are you ok?” and support those who may be struggling.

Healthy Relationships

The Medical and Counselling Centre has set up a program on what constitutes healthy relationships and how to build them. This program is aimed at students living in student accommodation. These are run periodically, contact medical and counselling for more information.

Harmony Day

Harmony Day recognises our cultural diversity and what it is that makes Australia a great place to live, with the central message that ‘everybody belongs’. On Thursday 21 March, the University of Canberra participated in the annual Harmony Day celebrations.Teams across the University came together to host a range of events for students including market and food stalls, live music and performances, sports and other social and cultural activities. Just remember, no matter who you are or where you are from, #weareUC!

White Ribbon Day

White Ribbon Day Australia is a global movement of men and boys on working to end the violence of men towards women. This is an initiative the University of Canberra is proud to be a participant of.
UC has been a White Ribbon accredited workplace since 2013 and we continue to support the cultural change to prevent violence against women in and outside the workplace. UC promotes respectful relationships and gender equality and has demonstrated a zero tolerance against women.

Wear It Purple Day

On Friday, August 30, the ALLY Network and the University of Canberra celebrated 'Wear it Purple Day'. This was to raise awareness on campus to foster a safe, empowering and inclusive environment for young rainbow young people. Despite the windy weather, we had many people come out to show their support, grab a free cupcake and meet with members of the ALLY network.

We were lucky enough to have WIN News come and talk to our very own Welfare Officer and member of the ALLY network, Nathan Jones, to talk about how UC is creating a safe environment and study space.

The ALLY network's goal is to ensure members of the UC community always feel that they are safe and have a support network for LGBTQI+ and inspire UC to be committed to a community of respect, diversity and social equality.

Through training and education, we will be able to promote social change and prevent inappropriate behaviour in our institution. The University has implemented a range of programs and activities towards the prevention of sexual or interpersonal violence

CONSENT MATTERS: UC has commenced the delivery of an online module course, Consent Matters, to educate students on the culture of respectful relationships, the understanding of sexual consent and when consent is or not given. The program is available for all students and staff.


TRAINING WITH CANBERRA RAPE CRISIS CENTRE: A number of staff and students have received training from the Canberra Rape Crisis Centre in a range of areas, from ethical bystander training to self-care techniques. This is an ongoing program.

HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS: The Medical and Counselling Centre has set up a program on what constitutes healthy relationships and how to build them. This program is aimed at students living in student accommodation.