Ann Harding Conference Centre
Building 24, University of Canberra ACT 2601
Deliberative Democracy Summer School 2022
20-22 June 2022
Åbo, Turku, Finland
In collaboration with University of Canberra

The Fifth Summer School in Deliberative Democracy and Public Opinion took place between the 20th and 22nd of June, in Åbo, Turku, Finland. It was organized by the Social Science Research Institute at Åbo Akademi University (Samforsk) in collaboration with Canberra University, the University of Turku, Tampere University, and the ECPR Standing Group on Democratic Innovations.
This year’s Summer School was funded by the Future of Democracy (FutuDem) and the Finnish Research Infrastructure for Public Opinion (FIRIPO). The theme for the 2022 Summer School was Understanding Public Deliberation – Contexts, Opinions and Consequences.
The Summer School brought together 67 people from 27 different countries. Three inspiring keynote lectures were given by Professor James S. Fishkin (Stanford University), Professor Jane Suiter (Dublin City University), and Professor Graham Smith (University of Westminster). Research Director Lauri Rapeli (Åbo Akademi University) chaired the roundtable discussion The future of deliberative democracy.
The panelists were Professor Andre Bächtiger (University of Stuttgart), Professor Nicole Curato (Canberra University), Professor Sofie Marien (KU Leuven) and Professor Kimmo Grönlund (Åbo Akademi University). As well as listening and taking part in interesting discussions, doctoral candidates from all over the world got the chance to present their papers and get feedback from their peers and senior colleagues.