Placement requirements

When you are allocated to a placement in an ACT Health facility, an email will be sent to your student email by the ACT Health Clinical Placement Office requesting you to complete eLearning on HRIMS. This email will also contain your username and password.
You are required to complete the following mandatory eLearning modules:
- Manual Handling Awareness
- Infection Prevention and Control, Occupational Medicine and Waste Management
- Fire and Emergency
- Child Protection Level 1
- Hand Hygiene Australia Online Module – upload a copy of your certificate to your HRIMS record
In addition, an Aseptic Technique eLearning module will need to be completed by students in the following courses: Nursing, Midwifery and Pathology.
You are also required to complete and upload a Student and Trainee Placement Acknowledgement Form each calendar year. This can be done within your HRIMS account as part of your pre-placement e-learning modules.
For eLearning content enquiries, please contact the ACT Health Clinical Placement Office at
For eLearning access/password issues, please contact ACT Digital Solutions on 02 5124 5000 or