Professional Practice 2 PG (10275.1)
Available teaching periods | Delivery mode | Location |
View teaching periods | Placement |
Bruce, Canberra |
EFTSL | Credit points | Faculty |
0.125 | 3 | Faculty Of Health |
Discipline | Study level | HECS Bands |
Discipline Of Speech Pathology | Post Graduate Level | Band 2 2021 (Commenced After 1 Jan 2021) Band 3 2021 (Commenced Before 1 Jan 2021) |
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:1. Assess clients with increasingly complex communication and swallowing disorders using informal and formal tests/tasks, with some supervision, assessments to determine the need for speech pathology services;
2. Interpret assessment results to diagnose and treat clients with a range of communication disorders;
3. Develop holistic and client-centred therapy for children or adults with a variety of communication disorders that are supported by theory and the critical appraisal of research;
4. Apply the ICF to assessment and treatment of clients with a range of communication disorders; and
5. Evaluate interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary practice.
Graduate attributes
2. UC graduates are global citizens - adopt an informed and balanced approach across professional and international boundaries2. UC graduates are global citizens - understand issues in their profession from the perspective of other cultures
2. UC graduates are global citizens - communicate effectively in diverse cultural and social settings
1. UC graduates are professional - communicate effectively
2. UC graduates are global citizens - behave ethically and sustainably in their professional and personal lives
3. UC graduates are lifelong learners - reflect on their own practice, updating and adapting their knowledge and skills for continual professional and academic development
3. UC graduates are lifelong learners - be self-aware
3. UC graduates are lifelong learners - adapt to complexity, ambiguity and change by being flexible and keen to engage with new ideas
3. UC graduates are lifelong learners - evaluate and adopt new technology
3. UC graduates are lifelong learners - reflect on their own practice, updating and adapting their knowledge and skills for continual professional and academic development
4. UC graduates are able to demonstrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ways of knowing, being and doing - communicate and engage with Indigenous Australians in ethical and culturally respectful ways
10271 Specialist Communication Disorders Across the Lifespan PG AND 10273 Professional Practice 1 PGCorequisites
None.Incompatible units
None.Equivalent units
None.Assumed knowledge
None.Year | Location | Teaching period | Teaching start date | Delivery mode | Unit convener |
2025 | Bruce, Canberra | Winter Term | 26 May 2025 | Placement | Ms Leah Hanley |
Required texts
All required readings are on the UCLearn Site, including:
Competency Based Occupational Standards for Speech Pathology (Entry Level) (2011). Speech Pathology Australia
Professional Standards for Speech Pathologists in Australia (2020). Speech Pathology Australia
COMPASSĀ® Competency Assessment in Speech Pathology Assessment Resource Manual (2017). Speech Pathology Australia
Reflection with COMPASSĀ® Reflecting in relation to clinical learning. Speech Pathology Australia
University of Canberra Master of Speech Pathology Clinical Handbook (2023)
Submission of assessment items
Extensions & Late submissions
Late submission of assignments without an approved extension will result the student having to redo the assignment with another case. The assignment is redone because these assignments are pass/fail and so the usual 5% reductions in marks per day do not apply.
Special assessment requirements
All must pass assessments (final compass, assignment 1, and assignment 2) must be passed in order to meet competency and pass the unit.
If you do not pass a component of an assignment, you will be provided with one opportunity to resubmit that assignment. Students will have one week to resubmit the component that they did not pass in their initial attempt. If you fail the resubmission then you will be required to retake the whole unit when next offered.
Best efforts will be made to offer clinical placements that take into consideration a students learning requirements and any adjustments they have in place. Placements are subject to clinical educator availability. You will be provided with an opportunity to decline a placement, however if you choose not to accept the placement you will have to complete the placement (and the unit) in the following year when the unit is re-offered.
Supplementary assessment
Students are not allowed a supplementary assessment for this unit based on the University Assessment Procedures. Students will not receive another placement or an additional assessment.
All assessment tasks are moderated in line with the University of Canberra moderation guidelines.
Students must apply academic integrity in their learning and research activities at UC. This includes submitting authentic and original work for assessments and properly acknowledging any sources used.
Academic integrity involves the ethical, honest and responsible use, creation and sharing of information. It is critical to the quality of higher education. Our academic integrity values are honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility and courage.
UC students have to complete the Academic Integrity Module annually to learn about academic integrity and to understand the consequences of academic integrity breaches (or academic misconduct).
UC uses various strategies and systems, including detection software, to identify potential breaches of academic integrity. Suspected breaches may be investigated, and action can be taken when misconduct is found to have occurred.
Information is provided in the Academic Integrity Policy, Academic Integrity Procedure, and University of Canberra (Student Conduct) Rules 2023. For further advice, visit Study Skills.
Learner engagement
Whilst on placement, students will be expected to juggle coursework demands in addition to placement requirements simultaneously. Placements are full-time (4-days/week) unless otherwie arranged with the Clinical Placement Coordinator and Inclusion and Engagement. If you are experiencing difficulties whilst on your placement, please contact the Clinical Placement Coordinator and/or Unit Convener as soon as possible, and do not wait until the end of placement.
Participation requirements
To be successful in this unit, students are required to:
- Participate in all clinical placement activities. Students, unless ill, must attend all placements days for the required length of time. If a student is ill, they are required to contact the unit convener and their clinical educator before the start of placement that day, preferably the day before. A medical certificate or supporting documentation for this absence must be provided before the start of the clinical day.
- Participate in 100% of the intensive in person (unless prior approval has been given by the Unit Convener). The pre-placement intensive is held at the end of semester 1 (in 10273), and students are required to attend before they will be allowed to go on placement.
- Students are required to attend 80% of all the workshops for this unit. This means that students must attend 5/6 of the workshops, either in person or through the virtual room. Workshops will not be recorded. Students are to notify the unit convener the day before the start of class, or before class if in exceptional circumstances. Students must provide supporting evidence as to why they are unable to attend.
- Participate in discussion threads on UCLearn where activities are created and as instructed.
Required IT skills
This unit involves online meetings in real time using the Virtual Room in your UCLearn (Canvas) teaching site. UCLearn provides a virtual classroom or meeting room where you can communicate in real time with your lecturer and other students. To participate verbally, rather than just typing, you will need a microphone. For best audio quality we recommend a microphone and speaker headset. For more information and to test your computer, go to the Virtual Room in your UCLearn site and 'Join Course Room'. This will trigger a tutorial to help familiarise you with the functionality of the virtual room.
Students who attend through the Virtual Room are strongly encouraged to turn on both their video and audio to participate fully in the workshop activities.
In-unit costs
Students may be required to travel to/from placement or stay in the region of their placement and student are expected to cover any associated travel or accommodation costs for placement.
Students are expected to cover travel costs associated with placement requirements (e.g. attending a home or school visit). Please contact the placement coordinator or unit convenor if you are experiencing difficulties with this whilst on placement.
Students are recommended not to book travel and accommodation that cannot be cancelled, as placements are subject to change at the last minute.
The placement office may be able to discuss accommodation support options with students.
Work placement, internships or practicums
This unit involves a clinical placement. Students must adhere to University policy during WIL activities, including the Student Conduct Rules 2018, the WIL Policy and WIL Procedure, and the Assessment Policy and Assessment Procedure.
This unit has pre-placement requirements (e.g. Working with Vulnerable People registration, immunisation/s). You must complete Pre-Place: Preparation for Work Integrated Learning prior to commencement of your clinical placement. You can self-enrol in this module through the UC Learn site here.
You are also required to complete details in InPlace, refer to If you have any queries related to InPlace please contact
Contact your unit convener if you have any concerns with meeting the requirements of this unit.
Client/patient confidentiality must always be maintained (see Clinical Education Handbook ), including for assessment items such as reports or essays. The professional nature of this unit also requires 100% participation at all learning activities (intensives and placement days). For the successful completion of this unit (also see section 6c) students must complete all the placement assessments and additional assessments. If attendance requirements cannot be satisfied (e.g. timetable clash), it is recommended that you meet with your Unit Convener to schedule this unit for a future semester.
Additional information
Clinical placements will run for 25 days (approximately 5-6 weeks depending on public holidays), for four-days a week (Mon-Thur) at and external clinical site or the UC Health Hub in Canberra.
- Winter Term, 2024, Internship, UC - Canberra, Bruce (216439)
- Winter Term, 2023, Internship, UC - Canberra, Bruce (215256)
- Winter Term, 2022, Internship, UC - Canberra, Bruce (205049)
- Semester 1, 2022, Internship, UC - Canberra, Bruce (207020)
- Semester 2, 2021, Internship, UC - Canberra, Bruce (203540)
- Winter Term, 2021, Internship, UC - Canberra, Bruce (201127)
- Semester 1, 2021, Internship, UC - Canberra, Bruce (200764)
- Semester 2, 2020, Internship, UC - Canberra, Bruce (203275)
- Winter Term, 2020, Internship, UC - Canberra, Bruce (194691)
- Winter Term, 2019, Internship, UC - Canberra, Bruce (174000)