Addressing Challenges in Early Childhood Education (10181.1)
Available teaching periods | Delivery mode | Location |
View teaching periods | On-campus |
Bruce, Canberra |
EFTSL | Credit points | Faculty |
0.125 | 3 | Faculty Of Education |
Discipline | Study level | HECS Bands |
Academic Program Area - Education | Level 4 - Undergraduate Advanced Unit | Band 1 2021 (Commenced After 1 Jan 2021) Band 1 2021 (Commenced Before 1 Jan 2021) |
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:1. Differentiate lesson and unit plans to cater for learner diversity within their early childhood classrooms;
2. Identify and evaluate effective strategies to address potential challenges early childhood educators may experience; and
3. Plan action research projects as professional learning to improve their teaching.
Graduate attributes
1. UC graduates are professional - communicate effectively1. UC graduates are professional - employ up-to-date and relevant knowledge and skills
2. UC graduates are global citizens - make creative use of technology in their learning and professional lives
2. UC graduates are global citizens - behave ethically and sustainably in their professional and personal lives
3. UC graduates are lifelong learners - reflect on their own practice, updating and adapting their knowledge and skills for continual professional and academic development
3. UC graduates are lifelong learners - adapt to complexity, ambiguity and change by being flexible and keen to engage with new ideas
Must have passed 36 credit points including 9869 Designing Learning for Diversity and Inclusion AND 10178 Philosophies and Pedagogies in Early Childhood Education.Corequisites
None.Incompatible units
None.Equivalent units
None.Assumed knowledge
None.Year | Location | Teaching period | Teaching start date | Delivery mode | Unit convener |
2025 | Bruce, Canberra | Semester 2 | 28 July 2025 | On-campus | Mrs Katy Meeuwissen |
Required texts
Online course: Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability. Disability Standards for Education for pre-service teachers:
Online course: Australian Childhood Foundation. Trauma Responsive Practice in Education:
Online course: Postive partnerships - Introduction to Autism:
Submission of assessment items
Extensions & Late submissions
Approval of extenuating circumstances will be dependent upon the production of supporting documentation and at the discretion of the unit convener.
All assessment items required to be submitted online must be submitted via the appropriate Canvas drop box. It is the student's responsibility to upload the correct and corresponding draft or assessment item to the right submission section. Assignments must be submitted in a format accessible to the assessor(s), as stated on the relevant canvas site. If the unit convener and/or tutor are unable to access a submission, or if no submission has been made by the due date and time, a standard late penalty of 10% of the total marks possible for the task may be applied per day, for three days, after which the submission will receive a score of ‘0' in keeping with UC's Assessment Policy.
Special assessment requirements
All assignment tasks must be attmepted to pass the unit.
Normally an aggregate mark of 50% is required to pass the unit.
Provision of valid documentation
Please note that the University takes student conduct very seriously. All documentation provided to University staff must be
valid and the provision of fraudulent documentation carries with it potentially serious consequences, including suspension
and/or exclusion from the University. Note that all allegations of student misconduct will be referred to the Associate Dean for
Education (ADE) as a prescribed authority for investigation.
Students must apply academic integrity in their learning and research activities at UC. This includes submitting authentic and original work for assessments and properly acknowledging any sources used.
Academic integrity involves the ethical, honest and responsible use, creation and sharing of information. It is critical to the quality of higher education. Our academic integrity values are honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility and courage.
UC students have to complete the Academic Integrity Module annually to learn about academic integrity and to understand the consequences of academic integrity breaches (or academic misconduct).
UC uses various strategies and systems, including detection software, to identify potential breaches of academic integrity. Suspected breaches may be investigated, and action can be taken when misconduct is found to have occurred.
Information is provided in the Academic Integrity Policy, Academic Integrity Procedure, and University of Canberra (Student Conduct) Rules 2023. For further advice, visit Study Skills.
Learner engagement
Unit breakdown of hours
10 hours online lectures
20 hours tutorial participation
30 hours workshop preparation
90 hours assessment preparation and online course participation
Participation requirements
Successful engagement with all learning activities in this accredited Initial Teacher Education course is necessary to demonstrate that you have met the Graduate career stage of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (AITSL, 2011).
For some students successful completion of the professional experience component is crutial to success in the whole unit. Refer to assesment (5a) on the Canvas site for further details. Students must make themselves familiar with the processes and policicies of professional experience.
Students will be advised if placements are required for this unit to meet accreditation minimum requirements.
Required IT skills
Basic computer skills are assumed.
In-unit costs
Students will pay $33 to complete the online course for Trauma Responsive Practice in Education. The link is available in the assessment section.
Work placement, internships or practicums
For some students this unit involvest involves work integrated learning: Placement. Students must adhere to University policy during Work Integrated Learning activities, including the Student Conduct Rules 2018, the WIL Policy and WIL Procedure, and the Assessment Policy and Assessment Procedure. Students required to complete placement shall be advised.
This unit has pre-placement requirements (e.g. Working with Vulnerable People registration, immunisation/s). You must complete Pre-Place: Preparation for Work Integrated Learning prior to commencement of your Placement. You can self-enrol in this module through the UC Learn site here.
You are also required to complete details in InPlace, refer to If you have any queries related to InPlace please contact
Contact your unit convener if you have any concerns with meeting the requirements of this unit.
Additional information
Provision of information to the group
Notifications through the Canvas Announcements Forum or the Canvas Discussion Forums are deemed to be made to the whole class. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that they check for announcements on the Unit's Canvas website (forum messages are also emailed to student email addresses only). Students should ensure they check their student email regularly. The Canvas discussion forums will be checked by staff regularly.
Theoretical foundations
This unit will assist students to develop an understanding of learning theories that help teachers connect to students. The theoretical foundations help align theory to the practice of teaching.
Use of student email account
The University Email policy states that "students wishing to contact the University via email regarding administrative or academic matters need to send the email from the University account for identity verification purposes". Therefore, all unit enquiries should be sent by email using a student university email account. Students should contact the Service Desk ( ) if they have any issues accessing their university email account.
This unit involves research-led education. There are active researchers delivering this unit who are able to engage students in deep and active learning and encourage them to apply basic research skills to inform educational practice.
- Semester 2, 2024, On-campus, UC - Canberra, Bruce (219688)
- Semester 2, 2023, On-campus, UC - Canberra, Bruce (214452)
- Semester 2, 2022, On-campus, UC - Canberra, Bruce (207829)
- Semester 2, 2021, On-campus, UC - Canberra, Bruce (201873)
- Semester 2, 2020, On-campus, UC - Canberra, Bruce (195851)
- Semester 2, 2019, On-campus, UC - Canberra, Bruce (186728)
- Semester 2, 2018, On-campus, UC - Canberra, Bruce (177460)