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Enrolment Information

As you are enrolling in a University of Canberra degree, your home institution will assist you with the University of Canberra's enrolment process. Please select your home institution from the list below to access tailored information for your location.

Enrolment support is provided to UC students by ECUST at all stages of the enrolment process. Further information on enrolling can be found on the ECUST MBA website or contact ECUST:

Enrolment support is provided to UC students by HANU at all stages of the enrolment process. Further information about program structures and enrolling can be found on the HANU-UC MTESOL & FLT website: or contact HANU:

Enrolment support is provided to UC students by NBU. Further information on enrolling can be found on the NBU MBA website or contact NBU at

Research students are not able to self-enrol into units for their course. To be enrolled in the relevant units you must complete a Unit Registration Form, have it approved by your Primary Supervisor, and email it to the HDR Support team at UC for processing.

Candidates will be enrolled for the following year on completion of an Annual Progress Report (APR) each year in September.

Candidates who commence in Semester 2 are not required to complete an APR in their first semester, so will need to submit another unit registration form towards the end of the year for enrolment in the following year.

Please see Current Research Students for more information.

Enrolment support is provided to UC students by RIM. Further information can be found on the RIM website or contact RIM:

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