Values and Purpose
Our purpose statement and values set the tone for the University and underpin who we are and where we want to get to. They provide direction for us to achieve academic excellence, as measured by the quality of our education programs, the success of our students and the impact of our research.
Our purpose and values refresh was driven by University of Canberra staff in early 2021. Over 250 staff contributed, which is an indication of our positive and collegiate culture. Work will continue over the coming months and years to help facilitate and embed values driven activities at UC.
Our purpose

"Our purpose embodies who we are, our connection to the Ngunnawal people and what we aspire to. Galambany means that we are together as one – one university, one community. It is something to be proud of, as is being part of UC. And it is our guiding light, as we strive to live our values and purpose.
The Ngunnawal words which form part of our values and purpose statement came about after we discussed our connection to the Ngunnawal people – the Ngunnawal Elders were delighted to grant us the permission to use them." – Professor Peter Radoll
Our values

Embrace Indigenous ways of knowing, being and doing in our work and our culture. Get amongst the conversation. Listen authentically and be a driver of meaningful reconciliation.

Walk together
Connect and collaborate with our community, both near and far. Embody the spirit of Canberra as a meeting place of ideas and creativity. Show what we have to offer.

Everyone's invited
Celebrate differences and embrace similarities. Value unique contributions and promote accessibility and equity for all.

Dare to be curious
Find purpose in learning. Step out of your comfort zone. Be brave, stir curiosity and share ideas and discoveries that shape our future.

Change the world
Don’t be afraid to have an impact. Do things differently. Inspire each other to be innovative.
Watch our Values Champions talk about what the purpose statement and values mean to them and to UC and which one is their favourite.