Advanced Functional Anatomy G (8280.2)
Available teaching periods | Delivery mode | Location |
View teaching periods | On-campus |
Bruce, Canberra |
EFTSL | Credit points | Faculty |
0.125 | 3 | Faculty Of Health |
Discipline | Study level | HECS Bands |
Discipline Of Sport And Exercise Science | Graduate Level | Band 2 2021 (Commenced After 1 Jan 2021) Band 3 2021 (Commenced Before 1 Jan 2021) |
Combined teaching of undergraduate and graduate Advanced Functional Anatomy will take place in this unit.
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:1. Identify musculoskeletal structures of the human body including bones, joints, ligaments, special structures, and deep and superficial muscles (Origin, Insertion, Nerve, Action);
2. Observe and palpate the major surface landmarks of musculoskeletal anatomy;
3. Identify, demonstrate and evaluate all actions of the spine and peripheral joints (movements available - AROM);
4. Identify, demonstrate and evaluate passive range of motion and resisted strength testing of the spine and peripheral joints;
5. Identify both the synergists and antagonists involved in coordinated functional activities of human movement;
6. Provide basic prescription of strength and range of motion exercises; and
7. Demonstrate the necessary skills for independent learning.
Graduate attributes
1. UC graduates are professional - communicate effectively1. UC graduates are professional - display initiative and drive, and use their organisation skills to plan and manage their workload
1. UC graduates are professional - employ up-to-date and relevant knowledge and skills
1. UC graduates are professional - take pride in their professional and personal integrity
2. UC graduates are global citizens - adopt an informed and balanced approach across professional and international boundaries
2. UC graduates are global citizens - make creative use of technology in their learning and professional lives
3. UC graduates are lifelong learners - adapt to complexity, ambiguity and change by being flexible and keen to engage with new ideas
3. UC graduates are lifelong learners - be self-aware
3. UC graduates are lifelong learners - evaluate and adopt new technology
3. UC graduates are lifelong learners - reflect on their own practice, updating and adapting their knowledge and skills for continual professional and academic development
Skills development
New Unit Learning Outcomes (2025):
1. Analyse and describe the spatial relationships among musculoskeletal structures of the human body, including bones, joints, ligaments, nerves, muscles, and accessory soft tissue structures. Identify the origin, insertion, and innervation of major muscles.
2. Demonstrate proficiency in locating and palpating key superficial musculoskeletal landmarks on the human body.
3. Assess and accurately demonstrate the active range of motion for all major axial and appendicular joints.
4. Differentiate between agonists and synergists in various movement patterns, and explain their roles in functional tasks and exercises.
5. Discuss the connection between anatomical structures and mechanical function in the musculoskeletal system.
6. Effectively communicate + educate others about anatomical structures and their functional relevance.
7. Critically evaluate and synthesise information from anatomical literature.
8. Demonstrate an understanding of complex mechanisms within the musculoskeletal system.
Must be enrolled in 868AA Graduate Certificate in Human Movement Science OR permission required from the unit convener.Incompatible units
None.Equivalent units
None.Assumed knowledge
None.Year | Location | Teaching period | Teaching start date | Delivery mode | Unit convener |
2025 | Bruce, Canberra | Semester 1 | 03 February 2025 | On-campus | Mr Dan Tait |
Required texts
Study Material
Complete Anatomy application, Version 11.0.0. 3D4Medical. This app is available to download from canvas. Students will be provided with 1 year free subscription.
This application will be useful for future units as well as subsequent health-based professions.
Gray's Anatomy: The Anatomical Basis of Clinical Practice (Hardcover or E-Book). Standring, S. ed., 2020. Elsevier Health Sciences.
The following useful texts are available through the online UC library:
Floyd, R.T. and Thompson, C.W., 2021. Manual of structural kinesiology 2le. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
Morton, D.A., Foreman, K.B. and Albertine, K.H., 2019. The Big Picture: Gross Anatomy, Medical Course & Step I Review, Ze. McGraw Hill Professional.
Waxman, S.G., 2023. Clinical neuroanatomy 30e. McGraw-Hill Education.
Lab Manual
Advanced Functional Anatomy 2025 Lab Manual. This manual will help students study and prepare for lab exams and can be used in lab classes for note taking. The lab manual will be provided on Canvas for students to access electronically or to download and print (printing is recommended as digital devices are not allowed in labs).
Note: The muscle names, actions, origins, insertions and nerve supplies detailed in this lab manual represent the required knowledge and will be assesed in the lab exams.
Submission of assessment items
Extensions & Late submissions
Bone/Nerve quiz - taken on devices and submitted online during practical class. Electronically marked.
Lab exam 1 and 2 - taken and submitted on paper in the lab environment. Marked by individual assessors and moderated by a second assessor if required.
Group video - submitted online via video upload to Canvas. Marked in part by individual assessor (objective and subjective), prac class peers (subjective). Final mark will be weighted by a student's individual contribution to the project, as agreed upon by the group.
Special assessment requirements
To pass the unit students must: 1. participate in the group video, 2. attempt the bone/nerve quiz, 3. attemt both lab exams and 3. gain at least 50% overall in the unit.
Supplementary assessment
Weekly Quiz
There are 10 formative weekly quizzes in total. Quizzes are marked electronically and students will be afforded unlimited attempts if desired. Marks will be available immediately after sumbission. Quiz content will be related to the information covered in the practical, lecture and lab for the associated week week.
Anatomy Art Contest
After the final exam students have the option of submitting their anatomy-related artwork. No marks will be awarded, but the winners will receive a laminated paper medal and their work will be displayed in the anatomy lab for future cohorts to admire.
Students must apply academic integrity in their learning and research activities at UC. This includes submitting authentic and original work for assessments and properly acknowledging any sources used.
Academic integrity involves the ethical, honest and responsible use, creation and sharing of information. It is critical to the quality of higher education. Our academic integrity values are honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility and courage.
UC students have to complete the Academic Integrity Module annually to learn about academic integrity and to understand the consequences of academic integrity breaches (or academic misconduct).
UC uses various strategies and systems, including detection software, to identify potential breaches of academic integrity. Suspected breaches may be investigated, and action can be taken when misconduct is found to have occurred.
Information is provided in the Academic Integrity Policy, Academic Integrity Procedure, and University of Canberra (Student Conduct) Rules 2023. For further advice, visit Study Skills.
Learner engagement
Students are expected to follow this weekly routine to stay on track and succeed in the course:
- Complete the weekly labeling/drawing homework to reinforce anatomical knowledge.
- Watch the weekly lecture to understand key concepts and prepare for lab sessions.
- Prepare for lab classes by creating a focused study plan to review relevant material.
- Attend lab classes wearing appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE).
- Participate in practical classes dressed in suitable clothing for physical activities.
- Complete the weekly quiz after practical classes to assess and consolidate learning.
- Collaborate with peers to form a group, coordinate effectively, and work towards completing and submitting the video assignment on time.
Optional: Attend Peer Assisted Learning classes for study assistance
Inclusion and engagement
Students registered with Inclusion and Engagement for a Reasonable Adjustments Plan (RAP) will have their accommodations implemented by the unit convenor prior to assessments. Students uncertain about their RAP considerations or status are encouraged to contact the unit convenor at least one week before assessment due dates.
With a valid RAP, the following adjustments will be made:
- Additional time to complete the Bone/Nerve Quiz and both Lab Exams.
- RAP Lab Exams will be conducted at a separate time to provide a less crowded environment (details available on Canvas).
Please note: Adjustments are not applicable to the group video assignment.
Participation requirements
Students are expected to:
- Watch online lectures and complete their lab books before attending lab classes.
- Attend both lab and practical sessions each week, as these are essential for mastering unit content and preparing for assessments.
Assessment Attendance and Deferral Policy:
- If a student has a valid pre-existing commitment during a scheduled assessment, they must submit an exam deferral form with supporting documentation at least one week before the assessment date.
- For last-minute emergencies, documentation must be provided within two days following the assessment.
- Deferred exams will typically be scheduled approximately one week after the original exam.
Important Reminder: Students must monitor Canvas announcements weekly for any schedule changes or updates related to the unit.
Required IT skills
Assumed IT Skills for Students
Students are expected to possess basic IT skills to successfully engage with the course requirements. These include the ability to:
- Navigate Canvas to access unit content and updates.
- Download and print the lab manual.
- Download, install, and use the Complete Anatomy app (with detailed instructions provided).
- Use a phone camera or other recording device to film the group video, utilize online video editing software, and submit the video assignment.
These foundational skills are essential for completing course activities and assessments effectively.
In-unit costs
Lab coats will be required for all lab sessions. Lab coats can be purchased at the UCU Shop. It is not anticipated that students will have additional costs other than those normally accrued in the pursuit of study (stationary, lab book printing ect.)
Work placement, internships or practicums
- Semester 1, 2025, On-campus, UC - Canberra, Bruce (224261)
- Semester 1, 2024, On-campus, UC - Canberra, Bruce (217712)
- Semester 1, 2023, On-campus, UC - Canberra, Bruce (212197)
- Semester 1, 2022, On-campus, UC - Canberra, Bruce (206776)
- Semester 1, 2021, On-campus, UC - Canberra, Bruce (200492)
- Semester 1, 2020, On-campus, UC - Canberra, Bruce (198903)