Professional Evidence (Health) (11402.2)
Available teaching periods | Delivery mode | Location |
View teaching periods | On-campus |
Bruce, Canberra |
EFTSL | Credit points | Faculty |
0.125 | 3 | Faculty Of Health |
Discipline | Study level | HECS Bands |
Faculty Of Health | Level 3 - Undergraduate Advanced Unit | Band 2 2021 (Commenced After 1 Jan 2021) Band 3 2021 (Commenced Before 1 Jan 2021) |
Students will engage in high-level research projects in collaboration with internal or external stakeholders as a means of developing real-world outcomes which benefit industry partners and contribute to students' professional development. Students will demonstrate their ability to apply professional ethics and responsibility within this unit and project as well the integration and translation of their academic and disciplinary knowledge and skills. Students will reflect on the value and outputs of their learning across the course of their degree through their portfolio.
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:1. Demonstrate career-readiness, a clear professional identity, and insight into the skills, knowledge and personal attributes necessary to meet the standards of performance and practice expected by their profession;
2. Critically reflect on their learning and development of skills throughout their course of study and consider ongoing development into professional life;
3. Critically analyse the impact of individual actions on others in professional settings and the impact of the profession on society;
4. Design and execute a project to a professional standard acceptable in their field of study;
5. Communicate project results in a form acceptable to their health discipline; and
6. Synthesise and translate high-level conceptual health knowledge to develop and deliver useful solutions to real-world problems.
Graduate attributes
1. UC graduates are professional - communicate effectively1. UC graduates are professional - display initiative and drive, and use their organisation skills to plan and manage their workload
1. UC graduates are professional - employ up-to-date and relevant knowledge and skills
1. UC graduates are professional - take pride in their professional and personal integrity
1. UC graduates are professional - use creativity, critical thinking, analysis and research skills to solve theoretical and real-world problems
1. UC graduates are professional - work collaboratively as part of a team, negotiate, and resolve conflict
2. UC graduates are global citizens - adopt an informed and balanced approach across professional and international boundaries
2. UC graduates are global citizens - behave ethically and sustainably in their professional and personal lives
2. UC graduates are global citizens - communicate effectively in diverse cultural and social settings
2. UC graduates are global citizens - make creative use of technology in their learning and professional lives
2. UC graduates are global citizens - think globally about issues in their profession
2. UC graduates are global citizens - understand issues in their profession from the perspective of other cultures
3. UC graduates are lifelong learners - adapt to complexity, ambiguity and change by being flexible and keen to engage with new ideas
3. UC graduates are lifelong learners - be self-aware
3. UC graduates are lifelong learners - evaluate and adopt new technology
3. UC graduates are lifelong learners - reflect on their own practice, updating and adapting their knowledge and skills for continual professional and academic development
Students must have passed at least 48 credit points.Corequisites
None.Incompatible units
None.Equivalent units
None.Assumed knowledge
None.Year | Location | Teaching period | Teaching start date | Delivery mode | Unit convener |
2025 | Bruce, Canberra | Semester 2 | 28 July 2025 | On-campus | Dr Reza Mortazavi |
Required texts
Submission of assessment items
Extensions & Late submissions
Any assessment item submitted WITHOUT the specified information on the first page will be returned to the student and not marked until this requirement is met. Late penalties will be applied (see below).
- Mark adjustment: 10% of the maximum mark available for the assessment task will be deducted for each day late up. For example, an essay awarded 60% (60/100) submitted 2 days late will receive a mark adjustment of 10% per day, therefore, the adjusted maximum mark for that item will be 40% (40/100).
- Similarly, if weighting is used then a piece of work worth 50% of the unit which received 30/50 would be reduced by 5 marks per day (i.e. 10% of 50) and would therefore receive a maximum adjusted mark of 20/50 if late by two days.
- Submissions received more than 3 days after the prescribed date and time will not be accepted for marking, a mark of zero (0) will be awarded for the item.
- For the purposes of these penalties, all days of the week count, including weekends and public holidays, even when the University may be closed.
- The minimum possible mark for late submission is zero.
- For clarification, one (1) minute past the specified due date and time is considered a late submission.
It is students' responsibility to be familiar with the electronic submission process (e.g., the use of CANVAS and Turnitin). Students are reminded to ensure they plan well enabling adequate time to submit assessments.
prior to the deadline, to avoid a mark adjustment.
Extensions to assignments, placements, deferred intra-semester tests and examinations
Students are only permitted one extension per assignment and one deferral per intra-semester test/examination/placement (on the grounds of illness or other special circumstances as per UC Assessment Procedures). Students are NOT PERMITTED to defer an already deferred intra-semester test, exam or placement. A request for extensions / deferral must be on the Assessment Extension form with relevant documentation and must be lodged with the Unit Convener as soon as possible and no later than 3 business days from the due date.
Students must make themselves available for deferred assessments and placements which will be scheduled by the unit convener as per UC Assessment Procedures. For placements, please refer to the unit's Canvas site for further details and requirements. Any student unable to undertake the deferred intra-semester test, exam, assignment, or placement will receive a mark of zero or fail grade for that assessment task.
Special assessment requirements
It is a requirement of this unit that students attempt ALL assessment items and obtain a minimum marks of 50% of total to be able to pass this unit. If a student is unable to complete any assessment item - the unit convener must be contacted prior to the assessment's due date and supplied with appropriate documentation (assignment extension request, doctor certificate, etc). Please notice that holidays/weddings/travel arrangements/honeymoons are not considered university acceptable excuses.
Students must apply academic integrity in their learning and research activities at UC. This includes submitting authentic and original work for assessments and properly acknowledging any sources used.
Academic integrity involves the ethical, honest and responsible use, creation and sharing of information. It is critical to the quality of higher education. Our academic integrity values are honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility and courage.
UC students have to complete the Academic Integrity Module annually to learn about academic integrity and to understand the consequences of academic integrity breaches (or academic misconduct).
UC uses various strategies and systems, including detection software, to identify potential breaches of academic integrity. Suspected breaches may be investigated, and action can be taken when misconduct is found to have occurred.
Information is provided in the Academic Integrity Policy, Academic Integrity Procedure, and University of Canberra (Student Conduct) Rules 2023. For further advice, visit Study Skills.
Participation requirements
Engagement with online content and attendance at workshops is expected. Non-attendance/engagement is likely to diminish a student's ability to meet unit learning objectives, and will likely impair assessment performance. Workshop attendance records will be kept and can be used as evidence of individual student engagement with the unit.
Required IT skills
Students should be conversant with searching for and accessing information via electronic means; the use of Canvas; and word processing, spreadsheet and presentation software.
Using generative AI
Generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) tools like ChatGPT can aid but should not replace independent thinking. If using genAI tools for the major project (topic development, book chapter, multimedia presentation), acknowledge their use in or provide an appropriate citation. Acknowledgement is not required for low-level tasks such as improving spelling, grammar, and quality of written expression.
You are responsible for content you submit. Be aware of limitations of genAI tools such as inaccuracies, biases, and incomplete content. GenAI tools work best for topics you already understand, with carefully crafted prompting based on peer-reviewed research. Refine prompts for better results and fact-check generated content. Despite the risks, genAI tools can aid brainstorming, concept explanation, synthesis of ideas, and improve the readability and quality of written expression. For further information please refer to UC library genAI guide ( and the Academic Integrity Module.
the Academic Integrity Module.
Work placement, internships or practicums