Optometry Residency PG (10412.2)
Available teaching periods | Delivery mode | Location |
View teaching periods | On-campus |
Bruce, Canberra |
EFTSL | Credit points | Faculty |
0.375 | 9 | Faculty Of Health |
Discipline | Study level | HECS Bands |
Discipline Of Optometry | Post Graduate Level | Band 2 2021 (Commenced After 1 Jan 2021) Band 3 2021 (Commenced Before 1 Jan 2021) |
Learning outcomes
After successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:1. Construct and undertake an effective patient history interview, and accurately investigate and examine the refractive, accommodative, binocular vision and ocular health status of a patient;
2. Demonstrate accurate recording of clinical patient examination findings, and correctly interpret and analyse clinical findings to establish an appropriate patient diagnosis;
3. Formulate and implement an appropriate patient management plan; and demonstrate competency in therapeutic prescribing and optical prescribing and advice; and
4. Perform comprehensive optometric examinations in a timely manner, demonstrating synthesis of clinical findings and patient history, with appropriate case analysis, management, and communication with the patient and other health professionals.
Graduate attributes
1. UC graduates are professional - employ up-to-date and relevant knowledge and skills1. UC graduates are professional - communicate effectively
1. UC graduates are professional - use creativity, critical thinking, analysis and research skills to solve theoretical and real-world problems
1. UC graduates are professional - display initiative and drive, and use their organisation skills to plan and manage their workload
1. UC graduates are professional - take pride in their professional and personal integrity
2. UC graduates are global citizens - think globally about issues in their profession
2. UC graduates are global citizens - adopt an informed and balanced approach across professional and international boundaries
2. UC graduates are global citizens - communicate effectively in diverse cultural and social settings
2. UC graduates are global citizens - make creative use of technology in their learning and professional lives
3. UC graduates are lifelong learners - reflect on their own practice, updating and adapting their knowledge and skills for continual professional and academic development
3. UC graduates are lifelong learners - be self-aware
3. UC graduates are lifelong learners - adapt to complexity, ambiguity and change by being flexible and keen to engage with new ideas
3. UC graduates are lifelong learners - evaluate and adopt new technology
10328 Advanced Primary Care Optometry PG AND 10329 Optometry for Special Populations PGCorequisites
Must be enrolled in 374JA Master of OptometryIncompatible units
None.Equivalent units
None.Assumed knowledge
None.Year | Location | Teaching period | Teaching start date | Delivery mode | Unit convener |
2025 | Bruce, Canberra | Semester 1 | 03 February 2025 | On-campus | Dr Faran Sabeti |
Required texts
There is no prescribed textbook for this Unit of study. It is advised that you revise all suitable material from pre-requisite units of study and any additional revision requested by your specific clinical site. In the subsequent unit, Assessment of Optometric Competency (AOC) your theoretical knowledge gained from the Bachelor of Vision Science and Master's of Optometry units may be potentially be assessed and it is expected knowledge. Therefore you should be continually revising all materials taught in preparation for AOC. Clinical educators and staff may require students to complete readings prior to attendance at various clinical placement activities, or as remediation. The readings may be provided as references to previous unit notes, scientific literature, clinical practice guidelines, lab manuals and templates. These are necessary for your development as a clinician, and may be conveyed verbally or assigned on CANVAS. Please see Canvas for required resources as they vary between clinical sites.
Submission of assessment items
Extensions & Late submissions
Late submission of assignments including Smartabase entries without an approved extension will result in a penalty of 5% reduced marks from the total available, per calendar day (includes weekends, public holidays, even when the University is closed ) late. For an example: an essay awarded 60% (60/100) submitted 2 days late will receive a mark adjustment of 5% per day; therefore, the adjusted maximum mark for that item will be 50% (50/100). An assignment submitted over 7 days late will not be accepted and will receive a mark of zero. For clarification, one (1) minute past the specified due date and time is considered a late submission. Penalties on late submissions will be strictly enforced. More details can be found in the Assessment Procedures.
Your application will not be processed without the required information, your signature and relevant supporting documentation.
Special assessment requirements
Criteria for passing this unit
The final mark for this unit will be calculated by an accumulation of marks from each assessment item. To achieve a passing grade or higher in this unit, students must:
- Attempt all assessment items and each sub-part. For example, in the case of an inadequate or incomplete e- portfolio you will fail the placement and need to repeat the unit.
- Achieve a final aggregate (overall) mark of 50% or higher
- Attend the scheduled internal clinical placements and meet at least half the required total number of patients as an independent patient manager required by OCANZ at the UC Health Hub Optometry Clinic. The placement period for this unit may be extended for this purpose. This is a non-standard unit, therefore it will not follow semester timetable and may begin sooner and extend beyond the conventional 14 week semester schedule
- Complete the e-portfolio submission by keeping a record of your clinical placement by completing the clinical experience log on Smartabase, which must be entered within the last 5 minutes of seeing each patient. Failing to complete clinical logs immediately following patient consultations will result in a time penalty in accordance with the Assignment extension policy at UC. For example, a delay in submission will result in a penalty of 5% reduced marks from the total available, per calendar day until 7 days have expired at which time no marks will be awarded. Backup of data (i.e. screen shots, hard copies) is the responsibility of the student in the event of lost data or failure of software, and is highly recommended.
- During the internal placement period, the first 2 weeks of patient assessments will be formative assessment only (In S1 2025, this is weeks 2 & 3 inclusive for Group 2 and 9 to 10 for Group 1). The remainder of the scheduled and non-supplementary week internal placements comprise the summative assessment period. Students who have not been assessed as competent at one or more skills (clinical and professional), because they received >20% unsatisfactory result during the summative stage of the consultations on any clinical or professional skill by clinical supervisors during patient consultation assessments AND have an overall unit aggregate mark of at least 50%, will be eligible for one final opportunity to demonstrate competence at those specific skills through an additional assessment. The categories of myopia control and low vision, where low patient numbers are common, performance in the last two patients of that category will be given greater weighting in the assessment of competency than performance earlier during semester. Students who are eligible for the additional assessment will be required to examine 3 additional patients during the scheduled supplementary week for this unit (announced on CANVAS. In S1 2025, this is week 16 & 17) to determine if they meet the required skills at an appropriate level within the provided range of appropriate patients. Failure to demonstrate competence of each skill during the summative period or during the additional assessment (if eligible for additional assessment) will result in failure to pass the unit, as demonstrating competency in each clinical skill is a hurdle for this unit. Failure to pass the hurdle is failure to meet the required competencies of this unit and the student must repeat the unit, regardless of the aggregate unit mark. The patient assessments during the additional assessment do not contribute to the mark for ePortfolio Part A. The original mark for ePortfolio Part A will remain unchanged by passing or failing the additional assessment. Patients are members of the community, and if the patient refuses certain assessments due to irrelevance to their condition, an additional patient may be required to allow the skill(s) to be assessed three times each. Only in cases where patients with specific characteristics are not available, an OSCE evaluation will be substituted for the additional patient requirement.
- Any action or omission that results in patient harm can result in failure of an assessment task, including patient assessment, regardless of the aggregate mark. This includes student refusal to see a scheduled patient due to concerns regarding quota and performance requirements and omitting essential entrance tests.
- A minimum of 3 observations will be required for each clinical & professional skill during the summative period and it will be the responsibility of the student to meet this requirement. This may require the student to ask supervisors to attend & observe certain segments of the consultations to meet this requirement
The Unit Convener reserves the right to question students orally on any of their submitted work for clarification of student knowledge.
Meeting external accreditation requirements across three placement units in the Master of Optometry course, including this unit.
You will be completing patient consultations during placements to meet external accreditation requirements in the units Optometry Residency PG (10412), Community Optometry PG (10331) and Assessment of Optometric Competence (10330).
All (both formative and summative) consultations you see over these three units will count towards your requirements. You are required to see approximately 50% of your quota within the Optometry Residency unit, and 50% of your quota within the units Assessment of Optometric Competence and Community Optometry. At least 50% of your consultations must occur during internal placements at the UC Health Hub Eye clinic.
In total, students must meet quotas across a range of patient categories. Specifically, students are required to independently manage (under supervision):
- At least 80 primary care consultations. Within those 80 consultations, there must be at least 60 consultations which are full and comprehensive consultations
- At least 15 contact lens consultations (a mixture of fits, deliveries and after care visits)
- At least 4 paediatric consultations
- At least 1 myopia management consultation
- At least 2 binocular vision consultations (at least one assessment, diagnosis and management, and at least one in-office vision training consultation)
- At least 4 geriatric consultations
- At least 1 low vision assessment (including prescribing and trialling of low vision aids)
- At least 5 ocular therapeutic consultations, with at least 2 of those consultations including prescription of Schedule 4 medication.
- At least 2 glaucoma consultations
- At least 4 medical retina consultations
- At least 3 anterior eye consultations
- At least 30 dispensing consultations
Satisfying OCANZ quota requirements is a hurdle for the unit Assessment of Optometric Competence.
While those are the minimal requirements for independent consultations, units may have additional requirements for shared consultations, according to specific guidelines that will be provided on CANVAS. This is to ensure that students benefit as a group in participating in the care of rarer patients e.g. during review clinics or specialty clinics. This quota will be monitored and recorded in the individual units. The clinic lead (Ms Tina Jong) will be monitoring and assigning students with patients at the start of each clinic to allow for a fair distribution of cases and difficulty levels. Students are NOT permitted to choose their patients or clinic rooms.
The marking scheme rubric for your performance on consultations conducted while on placement in the individual units is provided in the related unit outlines. During the unit Assessment of Optometric Competence, quota from the 3 units will be considered as a whole to determine if students have met the minimal quota. Meeting the minimal quota for independently managed under supervision is a hurdle requirement for Assessment of Optometric Competence.
Supplementary assessment
This unit is not in the final semester of the course, and a supplementary assessment is not available however a limited additional assessment is provided as described in the Special Assessment Requirements section.
Students are required to cooperate in laboratory classes, workshops or remediation sessions where students may be asked to practice optometry skills on each other, with each student as the patient and practitioner in turn and in approximately equal duration. By both conducting the clinical procedures and participating in the tests, you will gain an insight and empathy into the issues associated with testing visual function, both from the point of view of both an optometrist and patient.
This course aims to develop your professional and communication skills in preparation for your journey towards being a health professional. During classes and placements, you will be required to demonstrate the ability to work collaboratively as part of a team, negotiate, and resolve conflict. Any action or omission that affects the safety of your patient or peers or is deemed disrespectful to your patients, fellow students or the teaching staff can result in failure of a patient assessment task regardless of the aggregate mark for the assessment. Virtual classes have additional requirements where you will further develop communication skills in the virtual environment. While in a virtual environment, students are required to present themselves and communicate with peers, staff and invited speakers in a professional way. Hence, the default for all virtual classes is for all student web cameras to be turned on during virtual classes. Instructors may require students to interact either verbally, through polls or the shared chat function. Students who do not participate in this way can be marked as absent for the class. Students who need guidance on expected behaviors and participation may consult with the Unit Convenor and/or Study Skills. Instructors may request that cameras are turned off under certain circumstances.
Students must apply academic integrity in their learning and research activities at UC. This includes submitting authentic and original work for assessments and properly acknowledging any sources used.
Academic integrity involves the ethical, honest and responsible use, creation and sharing of information. It is critical to the quality of higher education. Our academic integrity values are honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility and courage.
UC students have to complete the Academic Integrity Module annually to learn about academic integrity and to understand the consequences of academic integrity breaches (or academic misconduct).
UC uses various strategies and systems, including detection software, to identify potential breaches of academic integrity. Suspected breaches may be investigated, and action can be taken when misconduct is found to have occurred.
Information is provided in the Academic Integrity Policy, Academic Integrity Procedure, and University of Canberra (Student Conduct) Rules 2023. For further advice, visit Study Skills.
Learner engagement
Students are required to cooperate in (laboratory classes, workshops or remediation sessions) where students may be asked to practice optometry skills on each other, so each student is the patient and practitioner in turn and in approximately equal duration. By both conducting the clinical procedures and participating in the tests, you will gain an insight and empathy into the issues associated with testing visual function, both from the point of view of both an optometrist and patient.
As stated earlier, this course aims to develop your professional and communication skills in preparation for your journey towards being a health professional. During classes and placements, you will be required to demonstrate the ability to work collaboratively as part of a team, negotiate, and resolve conflict. Any action or omission that affects the safety of your patient or peers or is deemed disrespectful to your patients, fellow students or the teaching staff can result in failure of a patient assessment task regardless of the aggregate mark for the assessment. Virtual classes have additional requirements where you will further develop communication skills in the virtual environment. While in a virtual environment, students are required to present themselves and communicate with peers, staff and invited speakers in a professional way. Hence the default for all virtual classes is for all student web cameras to be turned on during virtual classes. Instructors may require students to interact either verbally, through polls or the shared chat function. Students who do not participate in this way will be marked as absent for the class. Students who need guidance on expected behaviors and participation may consult with the unit convenor and/or Study Skills. Instructors may request that cameras are turned off under certain circumstances.
The primary learning activity is the examination of patients (in person and by observation) in the UC Eye Clinic setting. The development of diagnostic and management skills in relation to those patients will be developed utilizing the following assessment modalities:
- Case presentations – based on patients seen in the clinic
- Weekly SOAPE assignments – based on patients seen in the clinic
- E-Portfolio – marked individual patient assessments with individualized case feedback
- Reflection – critiquing of own knowledge journey in relation to the unit learning outcome
In order to get the most out of your studies, it is strongly recommended that you plan your time commitments, actively engage in class discussions (online or face-to-face) and work with your peers as part of your study. The amount of time you will need to spend on study in this unit will depend on a number of factors including your prior knowledge, learning skill level and learning style. Nevertheless, in planning your time commitments you should note that for a 3 credit point unit the total notional workload over the semester or term is assumed to be 150 hours. The total workload for units of different credit point value should vary proportionally. For example, for a 6 credit point unit the total notional workload over a semester or term is assumed to be 300 hours. In the absence of patients you should practice skills as they will be required to demonstrate competencies all skills successfully in a subsequent unit called Assessment of Optometric Competency.
Students are required to wear full student clinic uniform at all times during classes, workshops, during clinics and when on stand-by for the clinic while in the UC Health Hub or during field trips organised by the unit convenor or clinical educators, as students will be representing the UC Eye Clinic. Students are required to be present during the clinic even when not specifically scheduled for clinics or optical dispensing as they will be receiving feedback, remediation, practicing skills or improving product knowledge. Students who are on stand-by must be prepared to assist in the UC Eye Clinic as required depending on patient demand. When not scheduled in clinic, dispensing or remediation, students are expected to be studying within the Student room in the UC Health Hub.
Inclusion and engagement
It is strongly recommended that students who need assistance in undertaking the unit because of disability or an ongoing health condition register with the Inclusion and Engagement Office as soon as possible so that reasonable adjustment arrangements can be made. Impairments that impacts a students ability to carry out ocular assessments are required to be disclosed to the unit convenor and clinical educators. Alternative examination techniques and strategies will be taught to students who require it, to ensure that they can appropriately examine patients and that patient safety is not compromised.
Participation requirements
This is a non-standard unit, therefore it will not follow semester timetable and may begin sooner and extend beyond the conventional semester schedule
Participation in each internal placement is approximately 3-5 days per week for 6 weeks or equivalent but may be extended to meet the requisite number of patients required for OCANZ accreditation or to ensure ability to complete each skill that is assessed in ePortfolio Part A are met. Part time placements may be available.
Placements may be outside the ACT and around Australia.
It is expected that students unable to fulfil these participation requirements will inform the Unit Convener as soon as practical by email.
Absence from external placement activities must be reported to the clinical educator on site and clinical coordinator at UC. Failure to adhere to these requirements may result in failure of the associated assessment piece. Consideration will be given for illness, however evidence such as a medical certificate will be required.
Students are required to cooperate in workshops, tutorials or remediation sessions where students may be asked to practice optometry skills on each other so each student is in turn and in approximately equal duration and patient and practitioner.
Meeting external accreditation requirements across three placement units in the Master of Optometry course, including this unit.
You will be completing patient consultations during placements to meet external accreditation requirements in the units Optometry Residency PG (10412), Community Optometry PG (10331) and Assessment of Optometric Competence (10330).
All (both formative and summative) consultations you see over these three units will count towards your requirements. You are required to see approximately 50% of your quota within the Optometry Residency unit, and 50% of your quota within the units Assessment of Optometric Competence and Community Optometry. At least 50% of your consultations must occur during internal placements at the UC Health Hub Eye clinic.
In total, students must meet quotas across a range of patient categories. Specifically, students are required to independently manage (under supervision):
- At least 80 primary care consultations. Within those 80 consultations, there must be at least 60 consultations which are full and comprehensive consultations
- At least 15 contact lens consultations (a mixture of fits, deliveries and after care visits)
- At least 4 paediatric consultations
- At least 1 myopia management consultation
- At least 2 binocular vision consultations (at least one assessment, diagnosis and management, and at least one in-office vision training consultation)
- At least 4 geriatric consultations
- At least 1 low vision assessment (including prescribing and trialling of low vision aids)
- At least 5 ocular therapeutic consultations, with at least 2 of those consultations including prescription of Schedule 4 medication.
- At least 2 glaucoma consultations
- At least 4 medical retina consultations
- At least 3 anterior eye consultations
- At least 30 dispensing consultations
Students must receive a Satisfactory mark on at least 80% of their total consultations within each patient category across the three units and as listed above to pass that category. Satisfying OCANZ quota requirements is a hurdle for the unit Assessment of Optometric Competence.
While those are the minimal requirements for independent consultations, units may have additional requirements for shared consultations, according to specific guidelines that will be provided on CANVAS. This is to ensure that students benefit as a group in participating in the care of rarer patients e.g. during review clinics or specialty clinics. This quota will be monitored and recorded in the individual units.
The marking scheme rubric for your performance on consultations conducted while on placement in the individual units is provided in the related unit outlines. During the unit Assessment of Optometric Competence, quota from the 3 units will be considered as a whole to determine if students have met the minimal requirements for the quota. Meeting the minimal quota for independent and shared consultations satisfactorily is a hurdle requirement for Assessment of Optometric Competence.
Required IT skills
The use of UCLearn Canvas, library searching skills, word and data processing (Microsoft Office Suite) and electronic presentation skills are necessary for this unit.
This unit also involves online meetings in real time using the Virtual Room in the UC Learn teaching site, or similar. The Virtual Room, or similar, allows students to communicate in real time with their lecturer/instructor, and other students. Students will need a web camera and a microphone to participate verbally. For best audio quality, a microphone and speaker headset are recommended. Students are advised to go to the Virtual Room in the UC Learn site and 'Join Course Room' for more information and testing their computer. This will trigger a tutorial to help the student familiarise with the functionality of the Virtual Room.
Students are required to turn on their cameras for online classes and will be marked absent if their cameras are not turned on.
In-unit costs
Costs associated with a clinical placement include but are not limited to:
- Travel to practical and work integrated learning (clinical placement) locations
- Accommodation costs at interstate placements
- Uniform related costs and uniform maintenance
Work placement, internships or practicums
This unit involves WIL projects.
Students must adhere to University Policy during WIL experiences, in cluding the University-of-Canberra-Student-Conduct-Rules-2018-.pdf , the WIL Procedure Policy, Assessment Policy and Assessment Procedures University Policy Library (canberra.edu.au).
This unit has pre-placement requirements (e.g. Working with Vulnerable Poeple registrations, immunisations, recording of relevant details in InPlace etc), which must be completed prior to your placement.
Additional information
Pursuant to the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law Act 2009, optometry practitioners (registered optometrists) and education providers have an obligation to report ‘notifiable conduct', to the Optometry Board of Australia in order to prevent the public being placed at risk of harm.
Education providers are also required, under s.143 of the National Law, to make mandatory notifications in relation to students, if the provider reasonably believes:
- a student enrolled with the provider has an impairment that, in the course of the student undertaking clinical training, may place the public at substantial risk of harm; or
- a student for whom the provider has arranged clinical training has an impairment that, in the course of the student undertaking the clinical training, may place the public at substantial risk of harm.
Practitioners are required to make a mandatory notification in relation to a student if the practitioner reasonably believes that a student has an impairment that, in the course of the student undertaking clinical training, may place the public at substantial risk of harm.
All concerns raised within the Discipline of Optometry or by clinical preceptors will be reviewed by the Head of Discipline and the Course Convener before any reporting action is taken.
These professional obligations are taken seriously by staff and the University. Students should be aware of their obligations under student registration.
For further information, please refer to: https://www.optometryboard.gov.au/policies-codes- guidelines/guidelines-for-mandatory-notifications.aspx
Contract Cheating
Contract cheating (academic outsourcing / ghost-writing) is a form of academic misconduct in which students submit written or creative work which has been drafted or produced by someone else and claim authorship for it. It includes (but is not limited to) using a third party, artificial intelligence, offering their services for commercial or other benefits, to complete (either partially or fully) an assignment or other assessment items on behalf of the student.
You are at risk of contract cheating if you ask someone (including artificial intelligence) to:
-Complete an assignment for you
-Substantially edit your assignment
-Do your university work for you, with or without compensation
-Check test or quiz answers
-Sit a test or quiz for you
-Provide someone with your UC login details
-Use someone's work as your own
You may also be at risk of contract cheating if you provide information to people or organisations outside UC, such as:
-Assignment questions and briefs
-Lecture notes
-Marking rubrics and marking guides
UC considers contract cheating serious misconduct which may attract suspension or exclusion from the university. Furthermore, we, as your education provider, have mandatory reporting responsibilities under National Law. We are required to notify the Australian Health Practitioners Regulation Agency (AHPRA) if we believe that a registered health practitioner (including those with student registration)has behaved in a way that constitutes notifiable conduct including signature departure from accepted professional standards. Contract cheating can result in UC submitting a mandatory notification to AHPRA.
You can learn more about contract cheating in the Academic Integrity Module, a compulsory module that provides information about a range of issues including plagiarism and contract cheating. UC provides a range of services to support student learning. Further information regarding Study Skills, Studiosity and Medical & Counselling services are available on your unit's Canvas site.
Students are not permitted to use generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) in assessments for this unit.