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Consulting Services

The IAE offers a range of services to help better inform your management and policy decisions. We have specialist expertise in a range of areas, and can help find solutions to your environmental problems.

  • Monitoring and assessment of freshwater systems at local, regional and national scales
  • Environmental flow management – design, monitor and evaluate
  • Apply Eco Evidence, a rapid evidence-synthesis framework management and policy development.
  • Mesocosms studies to determine the effect of chemical and other stressors on freshwater communities and ecosystem functions.
  • Freshwater System rehabilitation design, monitoring and evaluation, including system conceptualisation, identification of options and their prioritisation
  • Communication and engagement around freshwater science and its application to management
  • Project management


Dr Fiona Dyer
Ph: +61 2 62012452

  • Detection of invasive and native fish species within water-bodies using either single species or multi-species assays
  • Development of specific eDNA assays for macro invertebrates, amphibians, reptiles and fish
  • Biodiversity inventories from water sources , including terrestrial species


Associate Professor Dianne Gleeson
Ph: +61 2 62012237

  • Measurement of trace elements in water, plant, animal and soil samples.
  • Speciation of As, Hg, Se, and Sb in environmental, food, clinical, mining or health supplements.
  • Biogeochemical cycling in aquatic environments (freshwater, marine and estuaries).
  • Ecotoxicology specialising in relating exposure, dose, response with an emphasis on sub-lethal and energetic health measurements.
  • Mesocosms studies to determine the effect of chemical and other stressors on freshwater communities and ecosystem functions.


Professor Bill Maher
Ph: +61 2 6201 2531

  • Use of genetic tools to detect natives and invaders
  • Species identification from trace environmental (eDNA) samples, e.g. scats, saliva, hair fragments, other tissues, and freshwater samples
  • Modelling to determine species boundaries, detect dispersal, and identify individuals.


Professor Stephen Sarre
Ph: +61 2 62015657

  • Genetics and identification of fish species
  • Fish biodiversity surveys


Peter Unmack
Ph: +61 2 62015528