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Community co-learning through food gardening


Food gardens are powerful co-learning spaces in which diverse knowledges, skills and strengths can be harnessed and intersected to grow stronger communities and more sustainable food futures.  This program of research employs community partnering, inquiry-based learning, action research and multidisciplinary methods to investigate community co-learning approaches to developing food gardening programs. It intersects school education and community education efforts.

Current Projects

Piloting a community co-learning approach to developing a school-based food gardening program

The overarching aim of this project is to investigate a community co-learning approach to developing a food gardening program at Isabella Plains Early Childhood School for preschool to year 2 children, and to test tools for evaluating positive impacts of the program.

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Global Garden Project

The Global Garden Project is about improving food security, nutrition and livelihoods through small-scale vegetable production in urban and peri-urban contexts around the world.

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For further information on Community co-learning through food gardening, please contact Dr Ann Hill.