The Centre supports a comprehensive mentoring and research development program for research students. Candidates can enrol in a research masters or PhD in digital media, creative writing, or cultural heritage/cultural studies topics.
Postgraduate programs
Postgraduate programs
Current research students are invited to connect with us and become part of a vibrant environment of events, workshops, and seminars. Prospective students can find out more about applying to study a PhD or Masters degree in the Faculty of Arts & Design.

Donald Horne Creative and Cultural Fellows (DHCCF)
The DHCCF provides funding to recent graduates of the doctoral program who were members of the CCCR at the UC. The fellowship is project-based and aims to assist the fellow to produce a significant work or body of work related to their doctoral research in the period after the awarding of their degrees.

Contact us
Centre for Creative and Cultural Research
11 Kirinari Street
Bruce ACT 2617
Higher Degree by Research enquiries: