Major in Accounting (MJ0002.1)
Faculty | Discipline | Credit points |
Canberra Business School | 18 |
This major is designed for students wishing to undertake a major in Accounting but who are not seeking to gain membership of CPA Australia or the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia.
Referenced courses
- Bachelor of Politics and International Relations (124JA.3)
- Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Communication and Media Studies (125JA.1)
- Bachelor of Accounting (182JA.2)
- Bachelor of Australian Politics and Public Policy (183JA.2)
- Bachelor of Finance (184JA.2)
- Bachelor of Human Resource Management (185JA.3)
- Bachelor of International Business (186JA.2)
- Bachelor of Marketing Management (187JA.2)
- Bachelor of Social Science (188JA.2)
- Bachelor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation (208JA.2)
- Bachelor of Public Administration (210JA.2)
- Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Communication in Advertising (216JA.1)
- Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Communication in Journalism (217JA.1)
- Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Communication in Media and Public Affairs (218JA.1)
- Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Communication in Public Relations (219JA.1)
- Bachelor of Justice Studies (248JA.2)
- Bachelor of Event and Tourism Management (279JA.2)
- Bachelor of Management (394AA.5)
- Bachelor of Management (394AA.6)
- Bachelor of Arts (429AA.5)
- Bachelor of Arts (429AA.6)
- Bachelor of Business Administration (761AA.4)
- Bachelor of Commerce (762AA.4)
- Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Commerce (798AA.5)
- Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Commerce (798AA.6)
- Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Information Technology (799AA.3)
- Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Information Technology (799AA.4)
- Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Information Technology (799AA.5)
- Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Laws (801AA.4)
- Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Laws (801AA.5)
- Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Laws (801AA.6)
- Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Management (802AA.5)
- Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Management (802AA.6)
- Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science in Psychology (804AA.3)
- Bachelor of Applied Economics (943AA.3)
- Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Advertising and Marketing Communication (986AA.2)
- Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Journalism (987AA.2)
- Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Media Arts and Production (988AA.2)
- Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Public Relations (989AA.2)
Note: - Must note the following
- From Semester 1 2018 unit 5617 Accounting for Managers is no longer offered at the Bruce campus. Students complete unit 11009 Business Decision Making instead.
Please Note: Units marked with an * are no longer active, however students who have completed these units may still count them towards completion of this major or minor.