ORCID stands for Open Researcher and Contributor ID.
ORCID is an international, not-for-profit organisation which provides researchers and scholars with a unique digital identifier (known as an ORCID iD) plus a system for linking their iD to their research activities and outputs throughout their career.
How do researchers benefit?
ORCID iDs eliminate the ambiguity caused by multiple researchers with the same name, and the use of variant names by the same researcher.
A researcher's outputs become more discoverable and tracking the impact of their research takes less time, and is more accurate.
Create your ORCID iD
The registration process takes less than 30 seconds. Create your ORCID iD here.
I have an ORCID iD - What do I do next?
Once you have created your ORCID iD, please add it to your Pure Profile. Your Pure profile will automatically update your ORCID profile.
Librarians are available to help you with:
- Adding publications and grants to your ORCID profile manually (if required)
- Linking your ORCID iD to your social accounts (e.g. ResearchGate, LinkedIn)
- Privacy and trust settings
Use your ORCID iD
Use your ORCID iD whenever there is an opportunity to provide it, especially when publishing or when applying for grants. Your ORCID iD will then be linked to your new publications and grants from the outset.
Include your ORCID iD:
- On your homepage
- In manuscript submissions
- In grant applications
- In your Professional Development Review (PDR)
- In your e-mail signature
More information
For assistance, contact the Library Liaison Team