Applications for the 2024 program have now closed. Applications for the 2025 program will open in March 2025.
Visit the Pathways to Politics for Women national website to register your interest and be notified when applications open for next year's intake.

Eligibility requirements
Pathways to Politics to Women is open to women across Australia. If you are not a resident of ACT or NSW, please visit the Pathways to Politics national website to find the program in your state/territory.
Pathways to Politics embraces an inclusive definition of 'women', acknowledging the diversity of women we work with and aim to support, including cisgender and transgender women, and non-binary people.
To apply to the University of Canberra program, you do not need to be enrolled at the University of Canberra, be a graduate of the University, or hold any tertiary or higher education qualifications.
There are specific eligibility requirements for the University of Canberra program. We request that applicants confirm their eligibility at the beginning of their application to the program in response to the following criteria:
- Be an Australian citizen/Australian permanent resident/holder of a permanent Humanitarian Visa.
- Current reside in ACT or NSW
- Identify as a woman (Pathways to Politics embraces an inclusive definition of 'women', acknowledging the diversity of women we work with and aim to support, including cisgender and transgender women, and non-binary people)
We are committed to minimising barriers to enter politics. As such, applicants identified by the selection committee as coming from an equity cohort will be prioritised. To be eligible to apply for a position in this equity category, applicants must satisfy the application selection criteria, and also fulfil one or more of the following characteristics:
- Identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander
- Identify as LGBTQIA+
- Previous refugee status or current holder of a humanitarian visa
- Culturally and linguistically diverse background
- Disadvantaged socio-economic circumstances
- Disability or chronic medical condition
- Difficult personal circumstances
- Come from a rural or isolated area.
Application components
The Pathways to Politics for Women application is comprised of four sections:
- Eligibility questions: These short questions help our Selection Committee to determine your eligibility for the program.
- Scenario-based questions: These questions will help us understand more about your personal and professional leadership experience, political aspirations and commitment to run, and your engagement with Australian politics and policy.
- CV: We ask you to submit a CV that is no longer than three pages and includes three referees.
- 90-second Video: This provides an opportunity for you to pitch what you will bring to the program and what impact you can make in the political realm.
Selection process
Participants are selected on a competitive basis. Our selection process actively works to minimise barriers to entering politics, and prioritises community and professional experience as well as commitment to running for office.
The selection criteria are as follows:
- Commitment to seeking elected office
- Professional and life experience
- Political engagement
- Ability to tell your story in a compelling way.
All applications are reviewed by our Selection Committee, which places a strong emphasis on multi-partisanship and equity in selection.
The program provides a safe space for women of diverse backgrounds, professions, cultures, and ideologies to fulfill their shared aspiration to pursue public office.

For any other queries about Pathways to Politics for Women at the University of Canberra, please reach out.