Enrolment Information — Sydney
Enrolments for S1 2024 are now open in the MyUC student portal.
Other useful links:
- Timetable
- Tuition Fee Payments (Commonwealth Support, HECS-HELP & other fee payment options)
- ID Cards and Travel Concession
- Checking and updating your address
- Intermission / Leave Of Absence (LOA)
- Discontinuation of Studies
UC Student Email
Log on to your student email.
The format for the University email address for students is studentID@uni.canberra.edu.au (Eg u1234567@uni.canberra.edu.au)
Note: The University uses this email address for all official correspondence to students.
Your myUC Account Password
In an effort to enhance password security, the UC Digital Information and Technology Management (DITM) ServiceDesk team have introduced a Zero Touch Password feature for UC students. This is a new way to easily access, change or reset your password. It is available anytime, on any device and anywhere you may be located. To use it, go to: https://passwordreset.canberra.edu.au/:
- If you are a new/commencing student, you will receive an email from UC with guidelines on how to generate your password. Please note that this email will ONLY go to the personal email address you have registered with UC.
- If you are an existing student, you can continue to use your existing password, unless you have forgotten your password and need to request for your password to be reset.
For IT support, please visit the IT support page in myUC.