News and Media Research Centre
University of Canberra
Building 9, Level C, Room 10
Research impact library
ELSA: igniting curiosity for lifelong learning
Today’s young children will work in jobs not yet imagined. STEM education in early childhood is crucial for developing a wide range of cognitive, social, and emotional skills, and in turn fostering a love of learning to support them in their future lives. ELSA is a play-based STEM program for young children to boost numeracy and STEM thinking through hands-on and digital play. In a pilot program designed by UC Education researchers, 31 preschools in the ACT engaged in ELSA and reported it being more effective than other learning programs.

In 2016, the STEM Education Research Centre (SERC) was awarded $5.6 million by the Australian Government to create the Early Learning STEM Australia (ELSA) Program and run a Pilot.
For the 2018 ELSA Pilot, SERC designed and developed a suite of play-based digital apps, including 4 children’s apps, an app for educators and an app for families and more than 100 classroom activities for children to engage in – ensuring a healthy balance between digital play and physical play. This program encourages children to engage with play-based activities in their centre and outside in the natural environment before and after using the apps.
Each app engages children in a different STEM skill. The program’s 16 apps are grouped into bundles – Patterns and Relationships, Location and Arrangement, Representations, and Investigations. The app also includes over 30 lesson plans created by SERC’s team of education specialists.
With the success of the 2018 ELSA pilot, in 2020, SERC was funded to run ELSA as a research project to establish its impact on children’s STEM learning and spatial reasoning. Then, in 2021, the ELSA Program was made available to all preschools and Foundation Year classes around Australia on a commercial basis.
Due to the success of ELSA, SERC received Federal Budget funds to develop ELSA F–2 starting in 2021. The ELSA: STEM in Schools Program provides the opportunity for young children to explore an online, play-based learning environment, delivered through a series of digital tools that are rich in STEM concepts.
In 2024, resources will be provided to 114 schools across Australia for children in Foundation Year, Year 1 and Year 2. Of these 114 schools, 7 are in the ACT.
Evidence showed significant performance gains in both STEM learning and numeracy for children that participated in the ELSA Program for a full year.
- For STEM literacy skills, children improved at a rate 3 times higher than children not involved in the program.
- For numeracy, the children improved at a rate twice that of the business-as-usual cohort.
Educators have also benefited from using the program, with research showing that their understanding, interest and confidence in teaching STEM content improved.
More than 8,000 children participated in the ELSA program in 2018-2019, with 31 preschool services participating in the ACT. ELSA has ongoing engagement from approximately 2000-3000 children per year.
Research team
Researchers from the STEM Education Research Centre and the Faculty of Education
Learn more
Research shows UC’s ELSA Program significantly boosts STEM outcomes and improves language skills, rolling out now for 2023, UC News, 2022
The benefits of STEM for preschoolers, The First Five Years, 2019
Five things parents can do every day to help develop STEM skills from a young age, The Conversation, 2018
Five easy ways to boost children's spatial skills, ABC News, 2018
Blocks are still the best present you can buy children for Christmas, The Conversation, 2017