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Cross-National Exploration of Principals’ Time Use: Patterns, Causes, and Effects

American Educational Research Association (AERA) - funded research conference on school leadership

The American Educational Research Association (AERA), the largest scholarly and professional community in educational research (over 25,000 members internationally), has funded the Research Group for Educational Policy and Leadership at the University of Canberra to host a research conference on school leadership. The AERA selects two to three research groups/centres annually to host a research conference and it is the first time that the AERA has supported a research group outside the U.S. for this purpose.

The Research Group for Educational Policy and Leadership, led by Centenary Professor Moosung Lee, will host 30 leading researchers on school leadership from 10 different countries, covering regions including Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Europe, Oceania, and North America. These invited researchers will present and discuss their cutting-edge studies aligned to the conference theme 'Cross-National Exploration of Principals' Time Use: Patterns, Causes, and Effects'.

This conference will deepen our understanding of principals' time use and thereby advance current knowledge of principal leadership across different countries. The conference will benefit a broad range of stakeholders beyond researchers – particularly policy makers, and principals who are interested in leading sustainable school improvement by fostering effective principals' time use. The conference will also provide a resource for policy benchmarking internationally. To this end, with the support of the Faculty of Education, Science, Technology and Mathematics (ESTeM), the Research Group will invite local school principals, educators and policy makers working in government and non-government sectors in the ACT to the conference.

The conference will be held from the 1st to the 3rd of August in the Ann Harding Conference Centre, University of Canberra.

If you would like more information about the conference, please contact the Conference Administrator :

Conference Program and Booklet

The conference program and booklet is now available

Conference Program (PDF) 376kb

Conference Booklet (PDF) 2.3MB

Conference Registration form

Due to technical difficulties, if you filled out this form between 19th and 26th July, please re-fill the form.


The conference aims to deepen our understanding of principal timeuse and thereby to advance current knowledge of principal leadership across different countries. To explore the potential of cross-national research on principal time-use, the proposed conference will focus on five objectives:

* To identify common and/or particular patterns, causes, and effects of principal time-use across countries

* To revisit the dominant theoretical model of principal leadership effects by studying the possible impact of principals' direct interactions with individual students, which has been under-researched in the school leadership literature

* To navigate and consolidate a new research direction within comparative educational leadership

* To develop a framework of data collection and related analytical tools of principal time-use that can be widely applied to contexts across different countries

* To provide insights and guiding principles for policymakers and principals, respectively, in terms of school improvement