The Centre supports a comprehensive mentoring and research development program for research students, where student members can practise actively in the Centre's activities, including professional and career planning workshops, professional and research seminars, reading and writing groups, and special events.

About CSC
Our interdisciplinary research puts the co-production of knowledge and its enactment at the centre of efforts to strengthen and support communities in Australia and across the Asia-Pacific. Communities are not only made up of people, but the places in which we live and the ecologies of which we are a part. Our collective capacity to flourish is influenced by the sharing of knowledge, whether in spaces of formal and community education, informal learning settings, in cities, rural towns, or on Country. Our work highlights the value of diverse ways of knowing, being, and doing, as we work in partnership with communities to reshape what we learn, how we learn and who we learn from.

Works in partnership with local communities to harness place-based knowledge and learning to strengthen livelihoods. Our research methods utilise asset-based community development, appreciative inquiry, and participatory action learning with a care for local relationships with land, culture and language.

Bridges school environments and the wider community to understand dynamics of knowledge generation, skill development, and adoption of cultural practices. Our research includes: regenerating Indigenous ways of knowing, being and doing in contemporary schooling; activating authentic arts-based learning; and, working with families of young children to create positive learning dispositions early in life.

Leads research focused on empowering rural schools and their communities. With a focus upon the sustainability of rural communities the group aims to make a lasting contribution to both theoretical and practical developments in rural education research, informed by the spatial turn in social theory and sustainability.

Undertakes comparative research to directly inform quality development of the school system as a whole. This group focuses on advancing knowledge of how sustainable school improvement is achieved in diverse education communities and systems, including schools and school systems.
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We are happy to share our research and are keen to partner with other agencies or researchers with similar interests or complementary processes.
For more information, contact us below or visit Our People to find colleagues with similar interests to yours.