Specialist Major in Medical Science - Pathological Basis of Disease (SM0081.1)
Faculty | Discipline | Credit points |
Faculty of Science and Technology | Academic Program Area - Science | 24 |
The Specialist Major in Medical Science: Pathological Basis of Disease embodies the central tenants in medical science, to enable exploration of the structure and function of the human body, from cells to organ systems. Students will undertake study in the area of anatomy and physiology, and progress to the key disciplines of microbiology, pathobiology and infection and immunity, to develop the tools to appraise the mechanisms governing disease pathogenesis and progression. The units are scaffolded together, enabling the study of pathophysiological mechanisms through different lenses, progressing from the cellular level, to the integration of their complex interactions at the organ system and whole organism level.
Specialist majors are only available to students in the course for which the major is required.