Specialist Major in Network and Software Engineering (SM0061.1)
Faculty | Discipline | Credit points |
Faculty of Science and Technology | Academic Program Area - Technology | 36 |
This in-depth major in Network and Software Engineering is part of the BEng (Hons) course. It equips graduates with knowledge and skills about the Internet of computerised, smart and intelligent Things (IoT), communication networks and automation of electrical and electronic systems; audio and visual information acquisition, processing and communications; human-machine interaction, industrial or medical instrumentation and monitoring; and provision of security for computer systems and networks. The students will also be able to focus in the design, implementation and maintenance of digital communication networks, understand the next generation of network infrastructure design and development, audio and visual communications over wired and wireless networks, network management and software-defined networks, optimisation of network performance and network security.
1. Basic knowledge and skills in ICT (Information and Communication Technology), basic numeracy and literacy skills for Beginning (1) level units in this unit set, and
2. Completion of some of the Beginning (1) level units in the BEng UG Program Core Major before enrolling in Intermediate (2) and Advanced (3) units in this unit set.
Specialist majors are only available to students in the course for which the major is required.
Referenced courses
Note: - Must note the following
- Students who wish to have work experience formally recorded and assessed can choose to enrol in 10006 Engineering Work Experience (0cp).
Please Note: Units marked with an * are no longer active, however students who have completed these units may still count them towards completion of this major or minor.