Major in Visual Arts Practice (MJ0259.1)
Faculty | Discipline | Credit points |
Faculty of Arts and Design | School of Arts and Communications | 18 |
This practical Major introduces to wide ranging aspects relating Visual Arts practice. Students develop traditional 2D skills in drawing and painting.
Students explore key artists and conceptual approaches within contemporary practices and hypothesize on social, cultural and sub-cultural trends within contemporary visual culture. Students research major the genres of figure/portrait and landscape/environment to produce multi-disciplinary practical work.
During their studies, students will explore the role of the curator and develop curatorial skills for visual artists. Students are involved in the review of curatorial projects and the planning and implementation of an exhibition.
This major is restricted to students in studying Bachelor of Visual Arts and does not have pre/co-requisites outside the major and have no other enrolment restrictions.
Please Note: Units marked with an * are no longer active, however students who have completed these units may still count them towards completion of this major or minor.