Major in Forensic Studies (Law) (MJ0144.1)
Faculty | Discipline | Credit points |
Faculty of Business, Government & Law | Canberra Law School | 18, 21 or 24 options |
Police and the Courts are increasingly using forensic evidence, both to secure safer convictions and to avoid innocent people going to prison. This major provides skills and background in the area of forensic studies, enabling graduates to understand forensic evidence, work in criminal justice settings and better understand mental illness.
Students wishing to complete the 21 or 24 credit point option will take additional unit(s) from the list of restricted choices to make up the balance of the required credit points.
Law students already complete Legal Methods and Skills and will take another unit in the Major in place of this choice.
Please Note: Units marked with an * are no longer active, however students who have completed these units may still count them towards completion of this major or minor.