Major in Pre-Physiotherapy (MJ0095.2)
Faculty | Discipline | Credit points |
Faculty of Health | Discipline of Physiotherapy | 24 |
The post-graduate masters degree in Physiotherapy is to provide focused clinical and practical training to students in preparation for professional practice. It is essential, therefore, which students entering the Masters of Physiotherapy have an undergraduate background in human physiology, anatomy and human movement. This major provides students with a combination of undergraduate options (nominated by the physiotherapy convenor) to prepare students accepted into Physiotherapy for intensive clinical education and training.
A first year statistics unit is recommended for entry into Sport & Performance Psychology. Human Biology and Coaching Science students will already have Data Analysis in Science or Measurement in Sport (respectively). Students from other degrees interested in this major should consider including a first year statistics unit. Students wishing to enrol in unit 7224 Sport & Performance Psychology must first complete unit 6611 Introduction to Psychological Research.
The majors, minors and electives offered for the Bachelor of Applied Science (Human Biology), best support this major. For students outside of this degree, seek advice from the Human Biology degree convenors for an individual programme based on the listed unit options for this major.
Referenced courses
Please Note: Units marked with an * are no longer active, however students who have completed these units may still count them towards completion of this major or minor.