Major in Integrated Environmental Management (MJ0060.1)
Faculty | Discipline | Credit points |
Faculty of Science and Technology | Academic Program Area - Science | 18 |
This major gives a grounding in natural resource management, with a solid basis in biology and ecology. It deals with the interaction between science, policy and management, including conflict resolution, community participation, planning, environmental assessment, sustainability, property rights and the strengths and weaknesses of various systems for natural resource management.
Referenced courses
- Bachelor of Education/Bachelor of Science (115JA.2)
- Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Communication and Media Studies (125JA.1)
- Bachelor of Arts in Landscape/Bachelor of Environmental Science (130JA.2)
- Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Communication in Advertising (216JA.1)
- Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Communication in Journalism (217JA.1)
- Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Communication in Media and Public Affairs (218JA.1)
- Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Communication in Public Relations (219JA.1)
- Bachelor of Secondary Education/Bachelor of Science (328JA.1)
- Bachelor of Secondary Education (Health and Physical Education) (330JA.1)
- Bachelor of Science (392AB.2)
- Bachelor of Arts (429AA.5)
- Bachelor of Arts (429AA.6)
- Bachelor of Environmental Science (791AA.3)
- Bachelor of Environmental Science (791AA.4)
- Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Commerce (798AA.5)
- Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Commerce (798AA.6)
- Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Information Technology (799AA.3)
- Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Information Technology (799AA.4)
- Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Information Technology (799AA.5)
- Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Laws (801AA.4)
- Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Laws (801AA.5)
- Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Laws (801AA.6)
- Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Management (802AA.5)
- Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Management (802AA.6)
- Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science in Psychology (804AA.3)
- Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Laws (836AA.2)
- Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Laws (836AA.3)
- Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Laws (836AA.4)
- Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Advertising and Marketing Communication (986AA.2)
- Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Journalism (987AA.2)
- Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Media Arts and Production (988AA.2)
- Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Public Relations (989AA.2)
- Bachelor of Science / Bachelor of Journalism (994AA.1)
- Bachelor of Science/ Bachelor of Laws (NPSC01.1)
Note: - Must note the following
- 10235 Tackling Environmental Challenges replaces 6916 Ecology and Biodiversity from 2017. Students who have previously completed 6916 may still count it towards course completion.
Please Note: Units marked with an * are no longer active, however students who have completed these units may still count them towards completion of this major or minor.