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Professional Doctorate in Business Administration (Research) (380JA.2)
Selection rank | Delivery mode | Location | Duration |
PG | On campus |
Bruce, Canberra |
4.0 years |
Faculty | Discipline(s) | Available teaching periods | UAC code |
Faculty of Business, Government & Law | Canberra Business School |
View teaching periods | |
Fees | English language requirements | AQF level | |
View requirements | 10 |
English language requirements
An IELTS Academic score of 6.5 overall, with no band score below 6.0 (or equivalent).
Delivery mode
Blended: Mixture of online and on campus units are available.
On campus: Units are delivered on campus.
Online: All units are online.
Online Plus: Units are available online, except where attendance at a physical location is required for placement or professional accreditation.
All course material is developed and delivered via the location listed. Online units do not require on campus attendance.
Selection rank
The selection rank is the minimum ATAR plus adjustment factors required for admission to the program in the previous year. This is an indicative guide only as ranks change each year depending on demand.
Fees disclaimer
Annual fee rates
The fees shown are the annual fee rates for the course. The annual rate is the fee that applies to standard full-time enrolment, which is 24 credit points. The final fee charged is based on the proportion of 24 credit points in which a student enrols. Students enrolled in a Commonwealth Support Place (CSP) are required to make a contribution towards the cost of their education, which is set by the Commonwealth Government. Information on Commonwealth Supported Places, HECS-HELP and how fees are calculated can be found here.
Please note: Course fees are assessed annually and are subject to change.
AQF Level
University of Canberra qualifications are recognised under the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF).
- Level 5 - Diploma
- Level 6 - Associate Degree
- Level 7 - Bachelor Degree
- Level 8 - Bachelor Honours Degree OR Graduate Certificate OR Graduate Diploma
- Level 9 - Masters Degree
- Level 10 - Doctoral Degree
Academic entry requirements | Delivery mode | Location | Duration |
On campus |
Bruce, Canberra |
4.0 years | |
Faculty | Discipline(s) | Available teaching periods | CRICOS code |
Faculty of Business, Government & Law | Canberra Business School |
View teaching periods | 097118F |
Fees | English language requirements | AQF level | |
View requirements | 10 |
Fees disclaimer
Annual fee rates
The fees shown are the annual fee rates for the course. The annual rate is the fee that applies to standard full-time enrolment, which is 24 credit points. The final fee charged is based on the proportion of 24 credit points in which a student enrols. Information on how fees are calculated can be found here.
Please note: Course fees are assessed annually and are subject to change.
Delivery mode
Blended: Mixture of online and on campus units are available.
On campus: Units are delivered on campus.
Online: All units are online.
Online Plus: Units are available online, except where attendance at a physical location is required for placement or professional accreditation.
English language requirements
An IELTS Academic score of 6.5 overall, with no band score below 6.0 (or equivalent).
All course material is developed and delivered via the location listed. Online units do not require on campus attendance.
Academic entry requirements
To study at UC, you’ll need to meet our academic entry requirements and any admission requirements specific to your course. Please read your course admission requirements below. To find out whether you meet UC’s academic entry requirements, visit our academic entry requirements page.
AQF level
University of Canberra qualifications are recognised under the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF).
- Level 5 - Diploma
- Level 6 - Associate Degree
- Level 7 - Bachelor Degree
- Level 8 - Bachelor Honours Degree OR Graduate Certificate OR Graduate Diploma
- Level 9 - Masters Degree
- Level 10 - Doctoral Degree
Build upon your professional experience with a research degree
If you are a business professional looking to extend your expertise and progress your career to the next level, then the Professional Doctorate in Business Administration (Research) will help you embrace your past professional and workplace experience to develop a host of relevant research skills. This carefully designed program provides opportunities for advanced study and reflection on practice across a range of professional fields including accountancy, business management, economics, human resource development, international management, organisational behaviour, and more.
You will explore a research subject of your choosing in the form of a dissertation and can tailor the course content to suit your professional interests through your choice of suitable electives. As a Higher Degree by Research (HDR), this course is covered under the Australian Government's Research Training Program (RTP) funding model, which provides a fee offset for domestic students for the standard duration of the course.
Study a Professional Doctorate in Business Administration (Research) at UC and you will:
- evaluate and apply specialised knowledge and research skills in planning, demonstrating and justifying a research project in the context of professional practice in a business field
- demonstrate trans-disciplinary higher order research, analytical and problem-solving skills
- apply existing professional and other expert skills to great effect in business, business workplaces and the society of the Knowledge Economy
- illustrate specialised research skills, knowledge and expertise applicable to professional practice or the production and application of knowledge in business
- demonstrate a systemic and critical understanding of a substantial and complex body of knowledge at the frontier of an area of professional practice in a field of business.
Work Integrated Learning
A professional doctorate is, by its very nature, the embodiment of Work Integrated Learning (WIL), and is much more focused on professional practice than a traditional PhD. Throughout your coursework, and specifically in your dissertation, you will be encouraged to apply your existing professional knowledge and undertake new research to identify and explore a real-world problem in the field of business administration.
Career opportunities
- Academic
- Lecturer
- Sessional academic
- Senior research officer
- Senior research fellow
- Company director
- General manager
- Chief executive officer
- President
- Vice president
- Chief financial officer
- Board member
- Marketing director
- Business start-up adviser
- Entrepreneur
- Business consultant
- Public servant
- Senior policy officer
- Indigenous program director
- Human resources director
- Industrial relations director
- International diplomat
Course-specific information
Before a candidate is admitted to the Professional Doctorate in Business Administration (Research) program, the Faculty must be satisfied that it is able to supervise the candidate's proposed dissertation, and that the candidate satisfies the following admission requirements:
- holds at minimum a bachelor’s degree and a post-bachelor honours year by research, or a master’s or graduate diploma degree of one to two years’ full-time equivalent duration in a relevant field with a Credit or greater average, and evidence of having performed in some subjects relevant to the proposed study at Distinction level or above
- has five years of professional practice in a relevant area
- provides evidence of capacity for independent research under the guidance of a supervisory panel at the doctoral level and relevant professional development
- provides evidence of superior professional performance, both intellectually and technically.
There are non-standard English language requirements for this course. To be eligible you must have an academic IELTS or equivalent of 6.5 with no band score below 6.0. Students who have undertaken all their education in an English-speaking country (as defined on the UC website) are deemed to have met our English language proficiency requirements.
Domestic students who are accepted on this course are provided for under the Australian Government's Research Training Program (RTP) funding model, which provides a fee offset for the standard duration of the course. Once your RTP entitlement is consumed, you will be charged the annual fee rate that applied at the start of your degree. Further information on fees for Higher Degree by Research (HDR) students can be found here.
An applicant may apply for entry into the Professional Doctorate Business Administration (Research) program and the Faculty will determine their eligibility based upon evidence provided which includes:
a) evidence of knowledge in an area relevant to the proposed doctoral topic;
b) five years of professional practice at a senior level in a relevant area of business, government or law
c) evidence of previous study as demonstrated by a coursework Masters or other education an area relevant to the proposed doctoral topic; and
d) demonstrated ability to undertake complex thinking and problem solving.
Plus all applicants will:
e) meet the University's minimum English proficiency requirements for entry into higher degree by research courses;
f) satisfy any additional requirements specified for admission of the particular applicant, consistent with University policy.
Additional admission requirements
Candidates must comply with all requirements of current University of Canberra HDR policies, including those governing submission and examination of theses. Panels of examiners for the award of the Professional Doctorate (Research) (Business Administration) must always include at least one international examiner from a university, research centre or other knowledge node outside Singapore.
Assumed knowledge
Sufficient knowledge relevant to the study area to enable identification of a need for a new research contribution to an area of professional practice. This includes advanced knowledge of business and organisational contexts.
Periods course is open for new admissions
Year | Location | Teaching period | Teaching start date | Domestic | International |
2026 | Bruce, Canberra | Research Semester 2 | |||
2026 | Bruce, Canberra | Research Semester 1 | |||
2027 | Bruce, Canberra | Research Semester 2 | |||
2027 | Bruce, Canberra | Research Semester 1 |
Credit arrangements
There are currently no formal credit transfer arrangements for entry to this course. Any previous study or work experience will only be considered as part of the application process in accordance with current course rules and university policy.
Professional Doctorate in Business Administration (Research) (380JA) | 96 credit points
In addition to course requirements, in order to successfully complete your course you must meet the inherent requirements. Please refer to the inherent requirements statement applicable to your course
UC - Canberra, Bruce
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Course duration
All HDR students have 1460 days to complete. This is the equivalent of eight standard semesters, full-time or part-time equivalent. Candidates must normally be enrolled full-time for Semesters 1 & 2 (the PG coursework component). Part-time enrolment is possible for the research component. Normal maximum of fourteen semesters on the part-time equivalent.
Learning outcomes
Learning outcomes | Related graduate attributes |
Graduates of the Graduate Certificate in Research Skills will: 1. Evaluate and illustrate a deep, critical and contextual understanding of their own knowledge journey to date contextualised amongst the multiplicity of locations and sites of production and co-production of knowledge in the Knowledge Economy; |
- Ability to connect what graduates know, from professional education, practice and experience with the fields and epistemologies of the operating or applied knowledge existent in their professions, workplaces and work sectors; - Ability to critique, evaluate and reflect upon the strength and weaknesses of their knowledge journey; - Ability to construct and apply connections between what graduates know and have learned and academic or disciplinary bodies of knowledge, research skills and techniques; and - Ability to describe and distinguish between the construction and differences between academic or disciplinary bodies of knowledge and production of knowledge in the 'real world'. |
2. Evaluate the core theoretical and research skills and knowledge required to successfully plan and undertake a doctoral level research program; | - Ability to identify, analyse and compare ideas and information from scholarly, technical and professional bodies of knowledge; - Ability to demonstrate critical reading and thinking skills, creative thinking and a capacity to conduct independent research; - Ability to utilise appropriate and specialised research skills in order to develop knowledge; - Ability to present a point of view, synthesising different opinions and contrasting opposing points of view; - Ability to evaluate existing literature in order to produce a reflective, critical literature review for a research project; and - Ability to defend a normative framework for research within which to evaluate existing systems and address practical problems. |
Graduates of the Graduate Diploma in Research Design will: 1. Demonstrate the relevance of theory, practice and place of business research; |
- Ability to reflect on complex elements of leadership; - Ability to research and critically analyse case studies of organisations in need of leadership; - Ability to interpret and apply theory to develop their own potential for leadership; - Ability to understand issues such as motivation, ethical behaviour and leadership in diverse context; and - Ability to engage with the dynamics of successful teamwork. |
2. Evaluate the advanced theoretical and research skills and knowledge required to successfully plan and undertake a doctoral level research program. | - Ability to demonstrate critical reading and thinking skills creative thinking at an advanced level; - Ability to conduct independent research; - Ability to select and apply appropriate and specialised research skills in order to develop knowledge; - Ability to critically evaluate existing literature in order to produce a reflective, critical literature review for a research project; - Ability to apply research and writing and other communication skills to design research-based strategies to identify and analyse real world problems in business, government and law; - Ability to identify research design issues and employ appropriate research methods appropriate for different paradigmatic research; - Ability to understand, employ, and critically evaluate data analysis methods for quantitative and qualitative research data, in accordance with underlying epistemological and ontological issues; - Ability to defend a paradigmatic framework for research within which to evaluate existing systems and address practical problems; - Ability to critically analyse the implications of ethics within a chosen research programme; and - Ability to develop a research portfolio demonstrating these skills. |
Graduates of the Master of Research Development will: 1. Apply an advanced and integrated understanding of a complex body of knowledge in one or more disciplines or areas of practice in a business field; |
- Ability to independently analyse critically, reflect on and synthesise complex information, problems, concepts and theories in one or more disciplines or areas of practice in a field of business, government and/or law; - Ability to independently research and apply established theories to a body of knowledge or practice in a field of business, government and/or law; and - Ability to independently interpret and transmit knowledge, skills and ideas to specialist and non-specialist audiences. |
2. Illustrate and apply specialised knowledge and research skills in planning, executing and communicating an appropriate review of relevant and/or applicable academic, professional and technical literature in the context of professional practice in a business field; | - Ability to discriminate between pertinent and less relevant literature; - Ability to demonstrate a clear understanding of prior research, to identify gaps in the existing literature and to frame a research questions based on/informed by the literature; - Ability to identify relevant seminal works, including areas of general agreement and controversy; - Ability to demonstrate an understanding of research methodologies and approaches used by authors in their fields of research; - Ability to critically evaluate the relevant literature in terms of methodological, empirical and theoretical constructs; - Ability to synthesise the relevant body of literature into a holistic and readable report/literature review; and - Ability to identify possible research gaps that could form the basis of new research questions. |
3. Evaluate and apply specialised knowledge and research skills in planning, demonstrating and justifying a research project in the context of professional practice in a business field. | - Ability to plan, demonstrate and justify an appropriate theoretical research frame; - Ability to plan, demonstrate and justify a testable hypothesis and/or research questions; - Ability to plan, demonstrate and justify a research methodology; - Ability plan, demonstrate and justify appropriate measures, methods or research strategies/instruments; - Ability to plan, demonstrate and justify appropriate sampling procedures, sample size, statistical tests, or methods of analysis; - Ability to consider ethical issues in research; and - Ability to identify strengths, weaknesses and implications of developed protocol. |
Graduates of the Professional Doctorate in Business Administration (Research) will: 1. Demonstrate trans-disciplinary higher order research, analytical and problem solving skills which equip them to apply existing professional and other expert skills to greater effect in business, business workplaces and the society of the Knowledge Economy; |
- Demonstrable autonomy, authoritative judgement, adaptability and responsibility in the application of knowledge and skills as an expert and leading business practitioner professional ; and - Ability to apply order research, analytical and problem solving skills in novel situations, to identify and analyse complex and 'wicked' business problems then formulate and implement appropriate and sustainable solutions. |
2. Illustrate specialised research skills, knowledge and expertise applicable to professional practice or the production and/or application of knowledge in a field of business; | - Utilise appropriate and specialised research skills in order to develop frontier knowledge in a field of business; - Communicate their research and findings effectively and disseminate to a variety of business and other stakeholders; - Ability to plan and execute in-depth study of particular aspects of business and business institutions; and - Demonstrate expert technical and creative skills applicable to fields of business practice, production and/or the application of knowledge. |
3. Demonstrate a systemic and critical understanding of a substantial and complex body of knowledge at the frontier of an area of professional practice in a field of business. | - Ability to engage in critical reflection, synthesis and evaluation; - Ability to develop, adapt and implement research methodologies to extend and redefine existing professional practice, the production and/or application of knowledge in a field of business; and - Ability to generate original knowledge and understanding to make a substantial contribution to existing professional practice, the production and/or application of knowledge in a field of business. |
Award | Official abbreviation |
Doctor of Business Administration | DBusAdmin |
Alternative exits
Graduate Certificate in Research Skills (exit award only) - successful completion of Semester 1 of Professional Doctorate in Business Administration (Research), 12 credit points;
Graduate Diploma in Research Design (exit award only) - successful completion of Semesters 1 and 2 of Professional Doctorate in Business Administration (Research), 24 credit points;
Master of Research Development (exit award only) - successful completion of Semesters 1, 2 and 3 of Professional Doctorate in Business Administration (Research), 36 credit points.
Student category | Contact details |
Current & Prospective Students | Faculty of Business, Government and Law |