Dr Rachel Cunneen
Senior Lecturer - Teacher Education
Contact details
E: rachel.cunneen@canberra.edu.au
T: +61 2 62012067
L: Building 6 Room D6
Rachel Cunneen received her PhD in Australian literature from the ANU in 2003. Since then, she has taught at tertiary, secondary and pre-primary levels in the ACT. She has held an assistant professor position in teacher education at the University of Canberra since 2011. She is currently convening Literacy for Teachers, but has also convened the Sociocultural Politics of Education and Arts Education. She is also a researcher on an OLT grant investigating successful tertiary pathways for students from a refugee background and is broadly interested in the intersections between literacy and social justice.
Research Interests
- The Australian English Curriculum and the mythopoetic classroom
- Arts-based education and embodied learning
- Literacy, literature and tertiary education