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Research news

The latest research news from the University of Canberra.


  1. Image

    White clover has key role to play in urban evolution

    University of Canberra Vice-Chancellor Professor Deep Saini is among a group of scientists to hold a favourable view of a problem weed for gardeners, saying white clover may hold the secret to urban evolution

    More on White clover has key role to play in urban evolution
  2. Good Heart program

    UC program aims to improve Indigenous health

    A new cardiac rehabilitation program at the University of Canberra aims to provide treatment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women with, or a risk of, heart problems

    More on UC program aims to improve Indigenous health
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    UC awarded $1 million grant in MyHealthTest collaboration

    A new generation of non-intrusive blood tests are a step closer to reality after University of Canberra researchers were awarded $1 million in Federal Government funding

    More on UC awarded $1 million grant in MyHealthTest collaboration
  4. Koala

    UC scientists help crack genetic code of koalas

    Koalas could be less at risk of extinction after a team of scientists, including two from the University of Canberra, successfully completed the full sequencing of the animal’s genome

    More on UC scientists help crack genetic code of koalas
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