Fervid protestation of change

By Ellie McKenzie

Digital Media/Game Design
Kimberley College - Year 12
My artwork reflects my personal experience as a neurodivergent individual and my response to change regarding my reaction to moving to Brisbane from overseas as a child in 2014. The photograph reflects my struggles with containing and regulating the overwhelming emotions that I felt and sometimes still experience when I feel isolated and disconnected from my surrounding environment. My calm and composed face looks off into the distance, silent and longing for stability while the twisted features of my scream convey the lack of control that I have over my emotions in moments of inundation. Though I struggle sometimes with the change experienced, over time I have found comfort in my new surroundings and developed strong sense of connection with the environment and community I now live in, seen in the warm red and yellow squiggly shapes painted on my face, mimicking the colour of the brisbane soil and landscape.
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