EndNote issues - users please read!
We recommend that you backup your EndNote library (collection of references) regularly using the Compressed Library option and save it to a safe location, such as a thumb drive.
Corrupted Libraries on Windows
This week we have had multiple researchers whose EndNote library suddenly become corrupted - if this happens to you and you don't have a recent backup, we have instructions from Clarivate Analytics on how to restore the last version. We will make this available in our FAQs soon.
EndNote and Mac OC 10.15
If you are a Mac user and intend to install the latest operating system: Mac OS 10.15 (Catalina) you will need to update to EndNote X9.3.1 BEFORE installing the operating system, as the previous version of EndNote is not compatible and will be automatically uninstalled:
- Close all programs that are currently running
- From within EndNote, click on the "EndNote X9" menu and choose "Check for Updates" then follow the onscreen prompts
- Once this process is done, check for updates again to see if there are any more updates to run.
If you have already installed Catalina, there is now an updated installer file for EndNote for Mac X9.3.1 which will work with Catalina in the Library Resources section of MyUC.