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Release Letter Request Form - International Student Visa Holders

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
Personal Details
Date of Birth *
Personal Contact Details
Mailing Address
Please enter your postcode in 4 digit format (No spaces, no characters)
(2 Digit Area Code + 8 Digit Number)
Residential Address Preference
Residential Address
Please enter your postcode in 4 digit format (No spaces, no characters)
Conditions and Student Declaration

If you are an international student who is requesting to move to a different education provider before completing 6 (six) calendar months of your principal course, you will need to submit a release letter request. Applications for a release letter are assessed in accordance with UC's International Student Transfer Policy.

In order to assess your application our office requires you to send the following information:

Section 1

A copy of an unconditional offer letter from another provider for a course of the same or higher Australian Qualification Framework (AQF) level (the offer must be for the current teaching period, and if the start date on the offer letter is in the past; a copy of your Late Arrival Approval must be provided). Additionally, the offer letter must not be conditional upon meeting academic or English language requirements;

Section 2

A signed statement of reasons, outlining why you are seeking release from your principal UC course. If you are requesting a change to an unrelated course, you will need to detail the reason.

Section 3

If you are seeking release on compelling grounds, you must provide:

  1. Certified documentation demonstrating compelling grounds (e.g. medical certificates or psychologist reports etc.); and
  2. If requesting to relocate to another region or city, evidence that your family and/or friends are residing in another region or city (must be an official document i.e. drivers licence, electricity/gas account etc.), indicating address.

Please note: family members who are attached to your visa and who are not residing with you can not be considered under compelling grounds.

Section 4

  • Written evidence that the new provider has accepted responsibility for your welfare until you turn 18; and
  • Written evidence from your parents or legal guardian that they approve your transfer to another provider
Extra Supporting Documentation

Please use the file upload option(s) below to send any extra documentation which you may require to support your form application. You can upload 5 documents per form.

Recommended file name format: StudentID+DocumentTitle
Recommended file name format: StudentID+DocumentTitle
Recommended file name format: StudentID+DocumentTitle
Recommended file name format: StudentID+DocumentTitle
Recommended file name format: StudentID+DocumentTitle
I have read and accept the Privacy Statement and Declaration *