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Dates and Times

22 June 2024
19:45 - 21:00


Building: 1
Room: UC Theatrette
Other: Level A



Nat's What I Reckon - Hot Dogs Probably Aren't Real

Nat’s a comedian, noisy musician, mental health advocate and award-winning, bestselling author who’s been described more than once as a potty mouth.

His comedy has drawn a wonderfully diverse audience of over 4.7 million champions worldwide, with his videos seeing 100s of millions of views and live shows selling out theatres and comedy festivals in both Australia and across the globe since 2020. 

Nat’s new live show Hot Dogs Probably Aren’t Real is an hour-long meltdown of information set out to prove a point. 

They aren’t real… or are they? Probably not… but also maybe?

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