Health, sports and wellness
The campus will provide regionally significant sporting and health facilities. These will bring together community and elite athletes, students and practitioners to support strong health and wellness outcomes for the Canberra community.
The University continues to be a sector leader in health, sport and their nexus of restorative practice and wellness philosophy. The University strives for all UC community members to leave UC healthier than when they arrived.
- Provide infrastructure which supports active transport options, including end-of-trip facilities.
- Promote healthy eating by creating a demonstration space to support nutrition and dietetics coursework during the day and students, staff and community groups at night.
- Strengthen the significance of the northern health neighbourhood by expanding health partners and health-related built form.
- Introduce the Health Loop to enable greater collaboration with the health neighbourhood, improving the link between the UC Hospital and health partners to the campus core.
- Create opportunities in each neighbourhood for more informal sport and recreation, particularly within the campus core and university park, including pocket parks and a more pedestrian focused campus.
- Introduce more informal recreational facilities such as picnic areas and public art installations.
- Introduce a new walking/running trail, connecting neighbourhoods via a high-quality series of environmentally rich spaces. Circuits should pass through a range of landscapes for diversity to connect with the unique landscape contexts.
- Introduce general fitness and recreation stations along tracks and throughout campus.
- Explore funding opportunities for an indoor sports centre adjacent to the campus core.