An Educated Life

Reflecting a commitment to foster a lifelong journey of learning, where the boundaries between academia, industry, and community intersect in a meaningful way, our ambition is to create a thriving, integrated learning community that invites people of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities to visit, study, and engage with our campus.

The Master Plan sets out a $5+ billion of property investment into a series of learning neighbourhoods with a student, working and living population of 45,000, consisting of 12,000 residents, 15,000 students and an enterprise and business population of 18,000+.

MGS Architects

MGS as Principal Consultant: Masterplanning, Urban Design and Architecture

Images produced by MGS Architects with Turf Design Studio, rendering by Doug and Wolf

Canberra's university

Explore how the Bruce campus will transform into a connected hub of learning, research, entrepreneurship and living—a vibrant, future-focused community.

View the 3D map


UC's Bruce campus will reflect its role as Canberra's university, celebrating The Educated Life in its unique location at the intersection of capital and country. It will be smart and sustainable, connected by unique Australian landscape links to the community, and by digital technology to the world.

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Master plan

The Master Plan is a flexible built environment strategy that will provide guidance to decision makers on the development of the campus over the next 20 years.

Six key drivers underpin the Master Plan, supporting the goals of The Educated Life philosophy and the Master Plan vision, themes and initiatives.

View the plan

What's happening next

The Campus Development Program will launch in the second half of 2021.

UC is seeking interest for partnerships with business and industry on opportunities for forward-looking co-investment across commercial, retail and hospitality spaces.

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