Speaker:Professor Sandy O’Sullivan
Date\Time: Thursday 18 July 2024, 17:30-18:30
Location: Building 1 Level A Room 1A21, University of Canberra (NB Room 1a21 is accessed from the foyer joining Building 1 and Mizzuna café);
Professor Sandy O’Sullivan will be discussing their current Australian Research Council (ARC)Saving Lives research focusing on a number of projects, including complex queer representations on TV, Indigenous queerness in museums, and the representation of trans lives across, and outside of, the public imaginary.
All are welcome!
Professor Sandy O’Sullivan (they/them) is a transgender Wiradjuri person. They lead the Intimacies theme of the Centre for Global Indigenous Futures and they work in the Department of Critical Indigenous Studies, both housed at Macquarie University. They are a 2020-2025 ARC Senior Future Fellow with the program titled: Saving Lives: mapping the influence of Indigenous LGBTIQ+ creative artists. This nationally funded work follows on from another major ARC project that explored representation and engagement of Indigenous peoples and communities across national museums – a program that ran for eight years and reviewed 470 museums. Since 1991 they’ve taught and researched across gender and sexuality, education, museums, the body, creativities and First Nations’ identity. Sandy has been a musician, performer and sound artist since 1982, holding national and international residencies.
This event is hosted by the Centre for Cultural and Creative Research (CCCR), Faculty of Arts and Design, University of Canberra. To discover upcoming seminars and events, please follow us on Facebook @uccccr, or Instagram and Twitter @uc_cccr. Alternatively, join our mailing list by emailing cccr@canberra.edu.au.
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