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Dates and Times

09 December 2023
10:00 - 12:00


Building: 20
Room: 02
Other: Level A


Centre for Creative & Cultural Research (FAD)


Andi Stapp-Gaunt and Josh Finzi

Making Stories with More-than-humans

Do writers write in isolation? No! We write as entities in unique webs of connection. Writing with and about more-than-humans is legitimate and urgent work in an age of species extinction and climate destruction. This workshop acknowledges the weight of the stories we create, including stories of celebration, remembrance, and mourning.

Storytelling occurs in many ways and includes orality/aurality, art, writing, and performance.

Please bring your own writing/art supplies. Photographs of your more-than-human companions are most welcome!

Additional Information
DateSaturday 9 December, 2023
Time10:0am - 12:00pm
Cost$30 ($15 for UC students)
DeliveryFace to face, Bruce Campus

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