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Dates and Times

23 September 2019
09:30 - 13:45

Event for


Building: 1


Ele Saclier

Blended Mental Health First Aid for the Workplace

Mental Health First Aid is now available for UC staff in a blended mode – participants complete online modules and then attend a 4 hour face to face session. We hope this will provide a more flexible option for people who find it difficult to find 2 days out of the office/away from teaching to complete the training.

Additional Information

Total cost for the blended version of training is $250. Medical & Counselling has purchased vouchers for the online component which will be distributed to participants to create an account with MHFA Australia and access the e-learning.

To register and secure your place, please advise your cost centre code and forward email approval from your line manager to and then collect your voucher code and manual from Medical & Counselling reception during office hours. 

Venue will be advised via Outlook invitation after registration is received. 

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