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Dates and Times

31 May 2023
11:30 - 13:30


Building: Building 11, Level B
Room: Room 44


Dr Robin Ladwig


Dr Jane Alver – Codesign with the National Indigenous Australians Agency
Professor Raechel Johns - Strengths-based co-creation with students at the University of Canberra
Associate Professor Philip Roberts - Re-centring rural knowledges in a metropolitan world
Dr David Spillman - Country as Teacher: (reciprocal) Relating with Country and Earthkin

Inclusion and Equity in Teaching and Research Practice at UC

Are you curious about how to adopt the UC value Narragunnawali?

Narragunnawali: Embrace Indigenous ways of knowing, being and doing in our work and our culture. Get amongst the conversation. Listen authentically and be a driver of meaningful reconciliation.

The Faculty of Business, Government and Law Research Hub Reimaging Inclusion and Equity invites you to their first event: Inclusion and Equity in Teaching and Research Practice at UC. 

As an event in Reconciliation Week, we focus on Indigenous perspectives and practices to increase inclusion and equity for First Nations people in Higher Education teaching and research.

Four stellar UC academics will present their approach to Indigenous ways of knowing, being and doing, followed by a panel discussion and audience conversation. 

Dr Jane Alver – Codesign with the National Indigenous Australians Agency 

Professor Raechel Johns - Strengths-based co-creation with students at the University of Canberra

Associate Professor Philip Roberts - Re-centring rural knowledges in a metropolitan world

Dr David Spillman - Country as Teacher: (reciprocal) Relating with Country and Earthkin

Additional Information

Afterwards, we hope you stay for refreshments to continue the exchange.

When: 31 May 11:30 am to 1:30 pm

Where: 11B44 (in-person event)

Who: All members of the UC community (staff, students, adjuncts, alumni) 

Cost: Completely free, but please RSVP for catering purposes

Please let us know about your dietary and accessibility requirements. There will be an option to join online for the presentation and discussion if it is not safe or accessible to join in person.

Event registration link:

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