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Dates and Times

01 June 2023
17:30 - 18:45

Event for


Address: The Shine Dome, 15 Gordon St, Acton ACT 2601




Mr Julian Leeser MP


Gonzalo Cubillo de Regoyos

UC's Inaugural Voice to Parliament Lecture: Mr Julian Leeser MP

"I believe the time for the Voice has come.

I believe in local and regional voices.

I believe in a national voice drawn from local and regional voices.

And I will support the referendum being put this year."

Mr Julian Leeser MP,  2023


Hosted by the University of Canberra, prominent Liberal MP Julian Leeser, the Member for Berowra will present a Reconciliation Week lecture on his perspectives on the Voice to Parliament. Mr Leeser has been a strong advocate for Indigenous rights and his decision to step back from the front bench to uphold his support for the Voice to Parliament created headlines around the nation. In this thought-provoking speech, Mr Leeser will talk about his heritage, his journey in choosing to stand up for Indigenous rights and his perspectives on the proposed Voice.

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